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The Australian Naval Institute
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Headmark back issues 1975-2015 (PDF)
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ANI Podcasts – Saltwater Strategists
Australian Naval History Podcasts
Book Reviews
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Book Reviews
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Book Reviews (Alphabetic)
“How to Grow Navy” Wins 2023 Commodore Sam Bateman Book Prize
100 years of naval diving
21stC Ellis: operational art and strategic prophecy
75% death toll. A German submariner’s account.
A Carrier at Risk
A Ceaseless Watch; Australia’s Third-Party Naval Defense
A Game of Birds and Wolves: the Secret Game that Won...
A Hard Fought Ship. HMS Venomous
A History of the Nazi Concentration Camps
A Maritime History of the American Revolutionary War
A Naval History of the Peloponnesian War
A Navy Admiral’s Bronze Rules: Managing Risk and Leadership
A parting shot — 1942
A shipyard at war 1914-1918
Abandon Ship – The real story of the sinkings in the...
Abandonment: Australian & the World since 1942
Accidental Admiral: a sailor takes command at NATO
ADM Rickover’s leadership principles
Admiral Albert Hastings Markham
Admiral VAT Smith. Extraordinary Life
After Jutland; The Naval War in Northern European Waters
After Jutland: The Naval War in Northern European Waters June 1916...
After the Lost Franklin Expedition; Lady Franklin and John Rae
Air Power in the Falklands Conflict
Aircraft of the Royal Navy Since 1908
Airpower over Gallipoli 1915
Airpower reborn
All the Factors of Victory
Allied Coastal Forces of World War II
Allied Coastal Forces of World War II
Allied Maritime Strategy in the 21st Century
America’s first aircraft carrier
An A-4 Skyhawk Pilot in Vietnam
An airman’s war with the US Navy
An Australian Nuclear Industry: Starting with submarines?
An Illustrated History of the US Navy in Vietnam
An International Analysis of the Navy-Coastguard Nexus
Anglo-Australian Naval Relations, 1945-1975
Announcement of the 2022 Commodore Sam Bateman Book Prize
Anti-Access Warfare: Countering A2/AD Strategies
Arctic Convoys 1941 – 1945
Arms for Russia and the Naval War in the Arctic 1941-1945
ASD: Revealing Secrets
Astute Class – Owner’s Workshop Manual
At War in Distant Waters: British Colonial Defense in the Great...
Atlantic Escorts – Ships, Weapons and Tactics in World War II
Attack on Sydney Harbour – June 1942
Australia, Menzies and Suez
Australia’s lost naval vessels
Australia’s Argonauts: RAN College’s first class
Australia’s Colonial Navies
Australia’s Defence: Towards a New Era?
Australia’s Intelligence Operations, 1901–45
Australia’s Naval Leaders, 1911-1997
Australia’s policy towards Britain’s end of Empire in SE Asia
Australia’s Secret Army
Australian Code Breakers
Australian Military History in 1000 books
Australian Submarines: A History
Austro Hungarian Battleships and Battleship Designs 1904 1914
Baron Siegfried von Forstner and the war patrols of U-402, 1941-3
Battle in the Baltic
Battleship Bismarck. A Design and Operational History
Battleship Commander; The Life of Vice Admiral Willis A Lee Jr
Battleship Duke of York
Battleship Warspite: Detailed in the Original Builders’ Plans
Bayly’s war. WWI anti-sub history
Before Jutland: naval war in northern Europe
Before the Ironclad: Warship Design and Development 1815-1860
Beyond the Beach: The Allied War against France
Big Gun Battles – Warship Duels of the Second World War
Bletchley Park’s Secret Source
Blockade: Cruiser Warfare and the Starvation of Germany in World War...
BP Shipping Pictorial; The Golden Years 1945 – 1975
Bravo Zulu: Honours and Awards to Australian Naval People, Volume 1:...
Britain’s future navy
Britain’s Island Fortresses: Defence of the Empire 1756-1956
British Aircraft Carriers: Design, Development and Service Histories
British and Commonwealth Warship Camouflage of WWII
British and Commonwealth Warship Camouflage of WWII Vol 3
British and Commonwealth warship camouflage of WWII: Vol 2
British and German Battlecruisers
British Army of the Rhine 1945-1993
British Battlecruisers 1905-1920
British Battleships of the Victorian Era
British Coastal Forces
British Cruiser Warfare
British Cruisers of the Victorian Era
British Cruisers of the Victorian Era
British Destroyers and Frigates: The Second World War and After
British escort destroyers of WWII
British Fiji Class Cruisers and Their Derivatives
British Light Cruisers
British Light Cruisers
British Naval Gun Mountings from 1890
British Naval Intelligence Through the 20th Century
British Submarines in the Cold War Era
British Submarines In The Cold War Era
British Submarines in Two World Wars
British Town Class Cruisers
British Warship Losses in the Modern Era 1920-1982
British Warship Recognition Vol II
British Warship Recognition: The Perkins Identification Albums. Volume III: Cruisers 1865-1939,...
British Warship Recognition: The Perkins Identification Albums. Volume IV: Cruisers 1865-1939,...
By Derwent Divided
By more than providence: grand strategy and American power in the...
Carrier Aviation in the 21st Century
China as a Twenty-First Naval Power
China’s rise and the challenge to the US
China’s Vision of Victory
China’s Maritime Gray Zone Operations
Chinese Naval Shipbuilding: An Ambitious and Uncertain Course
Churchill and Fisher: Titans of the Admiralty
Churchill’s Arctic Convoys
Churchill’s Phoney War. A Study in Folly and Frustration
Churchill’s pirates: the Royal Naval Patrol Service in WW II.
CIA responds on detention and interrogation
Clark and the German Historians: Telling it ‘how it essentially was’?
Clash of Fleets: WWI naval battles
Clash of the Capital Ships; from the Yorkshire Raids to Jutland
Classics resurrected: ‘From the Dreadnought to Scapa Flow’ and ‘Naval Policy...
Clydebank Battlecruisers. Forgotten Photography
Cold War Command: The Dramatic Story of a Nuclear Submariner
Cold War Warriors: Royal Australia Air Force P-3 Orion Operations 1968-1991
Collins of the Sydney
Command Decisions; Langsdorff and the Battle of the River Plate
Command: The Politics of Military Operations from Korea to Ukraine
Commanding Petty Despots. The American Navy in the New Republic
Contest for the Indo-Pacific: Why China Won’t Map the Future
Contest for the Indo-Pacific: Why China Won’t Map the Future
Countering China’s Great Game
Cyclone Warriors. The ADF and Cyclone Tracy
Dairy of 18yo in the Falkland War
Daring to Struggle: China’s Global Ambitions
Dark Secrets – The True Story of Murder in HMAS Australia
Darwin: Australia’s own Pearl Harbour
Dead in the Water
Definitive account of RAN in World War I
Delivering Destruction; American Firepower and Amphibious Assault
Desperate Sunset: Japan’s Kamakazes
Destined for War. Can America and China escape Thucydides’s trap?
Diary of a wartime naval constructor
Dive the shipwrecks of Palau
Dive Truk Lagoon
Dive! Australian Submariners at War
Down to the Sea in Submarines
Dutch Warships in the Age of Sail 1600-1714
Eagles over the Sea. Luftwaffe’s marine ops
Earl Beatty: The Last Naval Hero
Endless Story: Destroyer Operations in the Great War
Evolution of Fighting Doctrine in the US Navy
Fairfield. A Shipyard Success Story
Fire at Sea: HMAS Westralia 1998
Fire on the Water: China, America and the Future of the...
First Victory 1914; HMAS Sydney’s Hunt for the German Raider Emden
Flagship: HMAS Australia II and the Pacific War on Japan
Fleet Air Arm Carrier War
Flinders: Maritime Explorer of Australia
Flying Stations II. RAN’s Fleet Air Arm 1998-2022
Force Z Shipwrecks of the South China Sea
Fortress Island Malta in WWII
Fortune Favors Boldness: The Story of Naval Valor during Operation Iraqi...
Freedom of Navigation and the Law of the Sea
Fremantle’s submarines in World War II
French Armoured Cruisers 1887-1932
French Battleships of World War One
From Dardanelles to Oran: Studies of RN in War and Peace...
G’day Y’all; Whimsical wanderings and wonderings from Kentucky to Australia
General Naval Tactics. Theory and Practice
Genesis of the Grand Fleet: The Admiralty, Germany, and the Home...
German Admiral who spied for Allies
German Battleship Helgoland plans
Girt by Sea
Glasgow Museums – The Ship Models
God and Sea Power: Religion and Alfred Thayer Mahan
Gorshkov: Man who challenged the US Navy
Great Naval Battles of the Ancient Greek World
Great Naval Battles of the Pacific War
Great Powers, Grand Strategies: The New Game in the South China...
Gunboat command — initiative and courage
Guns Up, Depth Charges Readied
Guy Griffiths – The Life & Times of an Australian Admiral
Guy Griffiths – the Life and Times of an Australian Admiral
Guy Liddell: Cold War spymaster
Habits of Highly Effective Maritime Strategists
Harrier 809. Britain’s legendary Jump Jet
Hazard Spectrum
Health and Morale in the RN, 1939-1945
Hearts of Steel
Heaven High Ocean Deep
Hell to Pay: Operation Downfall and the Invasion of Japan 1945-47
HMAS Sydney (II) in Peace and War
HMS Terror. The Design, Fitting and Voyages of the Polar Discovery Ship
How Churchill Waged War: The Most Challenging Decisions of the Second...
How the legions made Rome’s longevity
How the Navy won the 1914-1918 war
How to Grow a Navy
Hunters and Killers, Vol 1: Anti-Submarine Warfare from 1776 to 1943
Hunters and Killers, Vol 2: Anti-Submarine Warfare from 1943
Ian Fleming’s Inspiration. The Truth Behind the Books
Ikara: Australia’s Cold War Wonder Weapon
Implications for maritime trade – a NZ perspective
In All Respects Ready – Australia’s Navy in World War I
In the Treacle Mine; The Life of a Marine Engineer
India and China at Sea. Competition for Naval Dominance
Innovating Victory – Naval Technology in Three Wars
Intelligence and the State; Analysts and Decision Makers
International Order in Diversity: War, Trade and Rule of the Indian...
Interservice rivalry between RAF and RN 1909 – 1940
Intrepid’s Fighting Squadron 18
Island Off the Coast of Asia: Instruments of Statecraft in Australian...
Italian Assault Craft 1940-1945
Italian Heavy Cruisers From Trento to Bolzano
Japanese Admirals 1926-1945
Japanese Battleships 1897 – 1945: A Photographic Archive
Jellicoe: U-boat Threat in WWI
John and Sebastian Cabot: the discovery of North America
Julian Corbett: The British Way of War
Jutland: Fresh Thought, Technology, Artefacts & Resonances
Jutland: The Unfinished Battle
Jutland: what the naval staff thought
Keeping the Peace of the Realm
Key writings of Dudley Knox USN
Kit Muster Vol 2
Know thy enemy: Naval intelligence in SE Asia
Land Based Air Power or Aircraft Carriers?
Large Scale Warship Models
Last Cruise of German Raider: Destruction of SMS Emden
Law reform and Averting Unjust War
Liberty Factory. Henry Kaiser’s Oregon Shipyards
Liberty’s Provenance
Like a Wicked Noah’s Ark – The Nautical School Ships Vernon...
Logistics in the Falklands War
Logistics Support for Royal Flying Corps Operations on the Western Front
Logistics: The Key to Victory
Mahan, Corbett, and the Foundations of Naval Strategic Thought
Mahan: The Man and His Letters
Major Fleet-versus-Fleet Operations in the Pacific War, 1941-1945
Malta – a Childhood Under Siege
Mao’s Army Goes to Sea
Mao’s Army Goes to Sea
Marine Maxims: Turning Leadership Principles into Practice
Maritime Cooperation & Security in the Indo-Pacific
Maritime Security in the Indo-Pacific
Maritime Strategy and Naval Policy for the Modern Era
Maritime Unmanned. From Global Hawk to Triton
Mars Adapting; Military Changes Under Fire
Mastering the Art of Command
McCain and the Triumph of Naval Air Power
Menacing peace with assassination
Miracle at the Litza: Hitler’s First Defeat on the Eastern Front
Models give better idea of ships
Modern Chinese Warplanes
Modern South Korean Air Power
Modern Taiwanese Air Power
Modern USMC Air Power
Monitors of the RN: How the Fleet Brought the Great Guns...
Mutineers – A true story of heroes and villains
Naval Air Defence from Biplanes to the Cold War
Naval Aviator. The Memoir of a Royal Navy Officer
Naval Battles of WWII; Pacific and Far East
Naval Blockades in Peace and War
Naval Combat at Night 1904 – 1945
Naval Competition and Great Power Politics, 1904 – 1914
Naval Intelligence History
Naval Minewarfare
Naval Minewarfare. Politics to Practicalities
Naval Officers under Hitler
Naval Power: An Offensive Realist Approach
Naval Warfare. A Global History Since 1860
Navies and Soft Power: Historical Case Studies
Navies in the 21st Century
Navigating Asia’s troubled waters
Nelson at war, 1914-19: the History of the Nelson Battalion of...
Nelson’s Band of Brothers: Lives and Memorials
Nelson’s Mediterranean Command
New Cold Wars: China’s Rise, Russia’s Invasion, and America’s Struggle
Nimitz’s Newsman
Norman Friedman’s British Destroyers
On Contested Shores: The Evolving Role of Amphibious Operations
On Tactics: A Theory of Victory in Battle
Onboard HMAS Australia — a boy’s recollections
Operation Eldorado Canyon
Operation Neptune. Naval Operations for Normandy
Operation STABILISE in Timor revisited
Part of the war of ideas on the Great War
Pendant Numbers of the Royal Navy
Pepys’s navy: ships, men, and warfare
Perkins’s British Warship Recognition
Phillips a scapegoat for 1941 ship loss
Plans of Aircraft Carrier Victorious
Plaster the Ship with Paint – Dazzle & Deception
Presentation of the ANI 2022 Commodore Sam Bateman Book Prize
Project Rainfall
Putting Cargoes Through
Questioning the Carrier
Radio Girl. Wartime Legend
RAF Bomber Command Striking Back; Operations of a Halifax Crew
Rain of Steel – Mitscher’s Task Force 58
RAN in Vietnam
Rearming the RAF for Second World War
Recovering Naval Power
Red Dragon ‘Flankers’
Red Lead – The Naval Cat with Nine Lives
Red Star Over the Pacific
Rescue from Saigon: the Lucky Few
Review: Two Days in Your Life
Riddle of the Sands
Right Man, Right Place, Worst Time
RN and fishery protection C14th to present
RN and USN at war in the Middle East
RN should have had greater WWI role
Road to Disaster: A New History of America’s Descent into Vietnam
Rome: trade outweighs military conquest
Room for Mistakes: Submarine Warfare 1939-1940.
Rosy Wemyss. Admiral of the Fleet
Rough Waters: Sovereignty and the American Merchant Flag
Royal Naval Air Service in WWI: Aircraft and Events as in...
Royal Navy Torpedo Vessels 1870-1914
Running a Big Ship
Running Deep
Sailing North: Voyages of Character
Salt Horse: Memoir of a Maverick Admiral
Saltwater Leadership: A Primer on Leadership for the Sea Services.
Sea Power and the American Interest
Sea power in the 21st century
Seaforth Naval Review 2022
Seaforth World Naval Review 2017
Seapower in the Post-Modern World
Securing the Narrow Sea: The Dover Patrol 1914-1918
Seven at Santa Cruz: The Life of Stanley ‘Swede’ Vejtasa
Ships for all nations: John Brown and Company Clydebank 1847-1971
Ships of the Royal Navy
Shipwrecks of the Dover Straits
Silent and Unseen: On Patrol in Three Cold War Attack Submarines
Six Victories: convoy war in the Med
Skagerrak: the Battle of Jutland through German eyes
Sleepwalk to War; Australia’s Unthinking Alliance with America
Sliding-door moments: ANZUS and Blue Pacific
Small Wars and their Influence on Nation States
Southern Thunder: The Royal Navy and the Scandinavian Trade in World...
Spoils of War: Fate of Enemy Fleets
Steam Yachts at War
Strategy Shelved; The Collapse of Cold War Naval Strategic Planning
Strike from the Sea. Cruise missile history
Submarine Support in Sydney 1914 to 1999
Super Destroyers
Supremacy at Sea
Sustaining the carrier war
T.E. Lawrence: RN’s role in creating the legend
Take These Men: Tank Warfare with the Desert Rats
Taranto; and Naval Air Warfare in the Mediterranean, 1940-1945
TARRA: The story of an Army Small Ship
Teddy Sheean a Tasmanian Hero . . . and other Brave...
Teddy Sheean VC – A Selfless Act of Valour
Teddy Sheean VC, A Selfless Act of Valour
Teddy. Roosevelt biography
The Admiralty and the Helicopter
The Air War at Sea in World War II
The art of leadership – the USN and World War II
The Ashgate Research Companion to Military Ethics
The Avoidable War; The Dangers of a Catastrophic US-China Conflict
The Baltic Cauldron
The Battlecruiser New Zealand: A Gift to Empire
The Battleship Builders – Constructing and Arming British Capital Ships
The Big Cruiser in the World’s Navies 1865-1910
The Boy Airman: An Absolute Stranger to Fear
The bringers of war to Africa
The British Battleship 1906-1946
The British Carrier Strike Fleet after 1945
The British Carrier Strike Fleet After 1945
The British Carrier Strike Fleet After 1945
The British Hawkins Class Cruisers
The Candid Memoirs of a Surgeon in Nelson’s Fleet
The Conversion of Naval Vessels after Two World Wars
The Curious Case of Dr Ian Macdonald
The Dawn of Carrier Strike
The Decline of European Naval Forces
The Development of Crude Oil Tankers
The Eastern Fleet and the Indian Ocean 1942 – 1944; The...
The Echidna Strategy: Australia’s Search for Power and Truth
The Emergence of American Amphibious Warfare 1898 – 1945
The Fabulous Flotilla
The Fleet Air Arm and the War in Europe
The French Fleet Ships, Strategy and Operations 1870-1918
The German naval flank of the Western Front
The German Navy in the First World War
The Great Edwardian Naval Feud
The Great War At Sea: A Naval Atlas 1914–1919
The Greatest Sea Fight of the Age of Sail
The Grey Wolves of Eriboll
The Harwich Striking Force
The History and Geopolitics of the World’s Oceans
The Hood Battalion 1914-18
The inside story of Britain’s drone wars
The Jutland Scandal: the Truth about WWI’s greatest sea battle
The Kaiser’s Cruisers 1871 – 1918.
The Last Days of the High Seas Fleet
The last of Africa’s Cold War conflicts
The Last Stand of the Tin Can Sailors
The Life and Ship Models of Norman Ough
The Life of the Third Reich’s Highest Scoring U-boat Commander
The Luftwaffe and the War at Sea 1939-1945
The Magnetism of Antarctica
The Memoirs of Karl Doenitz
The Naval Mutinies of 1798
The Navy Chiefs – Australian Navy Leaders 1911-1997
The Neptune Factor: Alfred Thayer Mahan and the Concept of Sea...
The New Age of Naval Power in the Indo-Pacific
The New Makers of Modern Strategy
The Odd Couple: the Australia-America Relationship
The Other Norfolk Admirals
The Pacific Fleet: RN’s Most Powerful Strike Force
The Past, Present, and Future of America’s Diplomats
The Petrol Navy 1914-1920
The Power and the Glory – Royal Navy Fleet reviews
The Rescue Ships and The Convoys
The Role of Intelligence in the Battle of Britain
The Royal Navy in Eastern Waters
The Royal Navy in the Cold War years
The Royal Navy in the Napoleonic Age
The Royal Navy Officer’s Jutland Pocket-Manual 1916
The Royal Navy’s Air Service In the Great War
The Russian Baltic Fleet in the Time of War and Revolution
The Sailing Frigate: A History in Ship Models
The Sailor’s Bookshelf: Fifty Books to Know the Sea
The Scrap Iron Flotilla
The Sea in Russian Strategy
The Secret History of the Five Eyes
The Secret War Against Red Russia
The Siege of Tsingtau. Germany v Japan in WWI
The Sinking of HMAS Sydney
The Skyhawk Years
The Spanish Civil War at Sea
The Squadrons and Units of the Fleet Air Arm
The Steep Atlantick Stream
The story of HMAS Brisbane — the Steel Cat
The Thief Fleet and A Wilful Woman
The U-Boat Commanders
The US Naval Institute on Naval Strategy
The War for Ukraine
The Wars for Asia — an Asian perspective
The Windfall Battleships – Agincourt, Canada, Erin, Eagle
The Zeebrugge and Ostend Raids, 1918
This is No Drill: The History of NAS Pearl Harbor and...
Through the Eyes of Albert RN
To Rule Eurasia’s Waves: The New Great Power Competition at Sea
Torpedo Boats and Coastal Forces 1876-1939
Treaty Cruisers
Tribals, Battle and Darings. The Genesis of the Modern Destroyer
Truman and the Bomb. The Untold Story
Two Navies Divided. RN and US Navy in WWII
U-Boat Assault on America
U-Boat Commander Oskar Kusch
U-boats were sitting ducks in WWII
Uncommon Courage; The Yachtsmen Volunteers of World War 2
Understanding Naval Warfare
Unmanned Combat Air Vehicles
US Aircraft Carriers. An Illustrated Design History.
US Navy Attack Aircraft 1920-2020
US post Cold War naval thinking
US Submarines since 1945
V & W Destroyers: A Developmental History
Very Special Ships: Abdiel Class Fast Minelayers of WWII
Victory Without Peace
Voices from Jutland: A Centenary Commemoration
Voices in Flight: the Heavy Bomber Experience of WWII
Voices in Flight: The Royal Naval Air Service During the Great...
War Transformed. The Future of 21st Century Great Power Competition and...
Warship Builders: U.S. Naval Shipbuilding 1922–1945
Warship Design Since 1945
Warships after London
Warships of the Great War era
Warships of the Soviet Fleets 1939-1945
Warships of the Soviet Fleets 1939-1945 Vol 2
Wartime Standard Ships
Waterloo: The Campaign of 1815
What Happened to the Battleship. 1945 to the present
What Ship? Where Bound?
White Sun War; The Campaign for Taiwan
Wings for the Fleet: naval aviation’s development 1910-1916
Winner of the 2021 ANI Commodore Sam Bateman Book Prize
Winning of wars to come
Wooden Warship Construction: a History in Ship Models
Word of Honour. Historical novel
World Naval Review
WWI — what happened at home
WWII British Warships:: Detailed in the original builders’ plans
Wyatt Earp – The little ship with many names
Yangtze Showdown: China and the Ordeal of HMS Amethyst
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