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Defending the rules in South China Sea

The United States has renewed its call on China to stop its aggressive actions in the South China Sea, saying a broader web of...

US-Japan-Republic of Korea trilateral chiefs of defence meeting

On 18 July a meeting of the Defence Chiefs of the US, Republic of Korea and Japan was held in Tokyo. They are Chairman...

Japanese warship in Chinese waters

Japan's defense ministry is investigating officers of a naval destroyer that entered Chinese territorial waters for about 20 minutes on July 4, Breaking Defense...

HMS Diamond Returns Home

The destroyer HMS Diamond returns to Portsmouth on 6 July after an historic Red Sea deployment that saw her shoot down nine drones and...

Chinese strike group in Philippine Sea

China’s People’s Liberation Army Navy Shandong Carrier Strike Group is now operating in the Philippine Sea, marking the first time this year that the...

What does UK Labour mean for Australia?

By Claire Yorke* It is all change in London. Labour’s landslide victory in the UK election last week saw Sir Keir Starmer enter Number Ten...

NATO’s concerns in the Pacific

The NATO summit is not just as a meeting of alliance leaders, but as a showcase of how far the alliance has come in...

UK’s defence role in the Pacific

Following the election of Keir Starmer, Britain is now led by its first Labour government in 14 years. This change in leadership raises questions...

Without US, on whom could Australia depend?

The dystopian world in which Australia would plough its own lonely furrow in the aftermath of an American collapse into itself is hard to...

Senkakus: Japan and US must lift their game

When the People’s Republic of China wants something, it is persistent and pushes to get what it wants. And it’s willing to use force if...