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Go HERE for a list of events upcoming in the next 12 months

Fleet Air Arm Seminar. 75 Years & Beyond

To celebrate the 75 th Anniversary of the RAN’s Feet Air Arm the Australian Naval Institute and the Fleet Air Arm Association will hold...

AUKUS, one year on

The Australian Strategic Policy Institute Washington DC, the Center for a New American Security and King’s College London’s Centre for Grand Strategy are delighted to...

ASIO head to address USI annual dinner

The United Service Institute (ACT Branch ) annual dinner on 28 September will be addressed by the Director General of Security at ASIO, Mr...

Podcast: RN’s Indo-Pacific carrier deployment

Podcast Title: The United Kingdom's Carrier Strike Group Deployment to the Indo-Pacific: Command reflections. In the second episode of the ANI’s flag ship Podcast series,...

2022 Goldrick Conference – Tickets Still Available

The 2022 Goldrick Conference on Indo-Pacific Maritime Strategy in the 21st Century brings together an outstanding array of 20 international and Australian speakers to...

New ANI podcast: Saltwater Strategists

The ANI, with the generous support of BAE Systems Australia, has launched its podcast series Saltwater Strategists. The series engages in conversation well respected strategists,...

Fleet Air Arm Seminar – 75 Years & Beyond

To celebrate the 75th Anniversary of the RAN’s Feet Air Arm the Australian Naval Institute and the Fleet Air Arm Association will hold a...

Registrations open for Goldrick seminar

Registrations for the Australian Naval Institute's annual Goldrick seminar on 21-22 September are open. It is a major maritime defence conference with distinguished international and...

Docuseries on Sea Power starts

A docuseries on Sea Power has started on Netflix. This is just and FYI to alert ANI website subscribers that it is on. It...

Save the Date – Friday 21 Oct 2022 Fleet Air Arm Seminar

Save the Date – Friday 21 October 2022. Fleet Air Arm Seminar. Fleet Air Arm Museum HMAS ALBATROSS The Australian Naval Institute (ANI) and the Fleet Air...