2023 Vernon Parker Oration and Annual Dinner – Bookings Open


2023 Vernon Parker Oration
Annual Dinner


Her Excellency The Honourable Dame Annette King DNZM

New Zealand High Commissioner to Australia

“New Zealand and Australia – closest friends, myth or reality?”

Tuesday 20 June, 6.15pm for 7.00pm
Hotel Realm
18 National Circuit, Barton ACT 2600

The Australian Naval Institute is pleased to announce that Her Excellency The Honourable Dame Annette King DNZM has kindly agreed to deliver the 2023 Vernon Parker Oration. This event is sponsored by Serco.

The 2023 McNeil Prize will also be presented during the evening to a recipient who has made an outstanding contribution to the operational capabilities of the Royal Australian Navy.

Bookings are now open for what promises to be an outstanding evening via Try Booking


More Information

ANI Members: $140.00; Non-members: $160.00;  Oration & 12 months membership: $210.00

Dress:  Business suit or equivalent.

Bookings close 13 June 2023



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