
More Arctic naval co-operation sought

The head of U.S. naval forces in Europe would like to see more coordination and more dialogue in the Arctic, where military and commercial...

Defence should innovate its way to future

By John Conway and Dougal Robertson Finding a balance between encouraging Australia’s domestic manufacturing to ensure supply-chain security for critical sectors and not violating free-trade...

US sea-based nuclear deterrent in a new era

By Thomas Mahnken and Bryan Clark The US undersea deterrent is the most survivable leg of America’s nuclear triad of ground-, air- and sea-based nuclear...

Defence budget in time of Covid

By Marcus Hellyer* In the first post in this series, I noted that, so far, the government remains committed to the 10-year defence funding line...

Sovereign capability should be new normal

Amidst a year of unprecedented global turmoil, the looming update to the national White Paper poses a unique opportunity to overhaul outdated practices and...

Four US combat commands to test homeland defence

For the first time, four U.S. combatant commands are coming together this week for an exercise that simulates how the military would respond to...

All bases are not equal in the defence of Australia

By John Caligan* I read with interest the recent Strategist posts by John Coyne and Graeme Dunk in which they apparently took different stands on...

Nuclear subs and US strategy

By James J. Wirtz* Today is an age of acceleration, a time when Moore’s Law is creating profound changes at diminishing intervals, making it difficult...

Fixed defence spending or 2% of GDP?

By Marcus Hellyer* Tuesday 12 May was to have been budget night, until Covid-19 intervened and the government moved the 2020–21 budget release to 6...

US Navy flexing, despite Covid

The Pacific Fleet Submarine Force took the unusual step this month of announcing that all of its forward-deployed subs were simultaneously conducting “contingency response...