The ANI Vernon Parker Oration

The Vernon Parker Oration is given annually by distinguished Australian or international speakers on a strategic or naval theme of the orator’s choosing. The Oration is named after Commodore Vernon Parker who was a founder and inaugural President of the Australian Naval Institute. Links to the full texts (where we have them) and a list of Orators are below.


Professor Rory Medcalf AM, Head of National Security College, Australian National University

“Putting AUKUS in its place: Australia’s submerged Indo-Pacific strategy”

The full text is here


Her Excellency the Honourable Dame Annette King DNZM, New Zealand High Commissioner to Australia

“New Zealand and Australia – closest friends, myth or reality?”


The full text is here


Professor William Maley AM, Emeritus Professor at the Coral Bell School of Asia Pacific Affairs

A Time Out of Joint. Reflections on some key trends in international relations”

The full text is here.


General the Honourable Sir Peter Cosgrove AK AC (Mil) CVO MC (Retired)

  “Sharks in the Moat: A Landsman’s View of our Maritime Security Environment”

Due to uncertainties surrounding the COVID-19 pandemic, the Australian Naval Institute reluctantly cancelled the 2020 Vernon Parker Oration. The ANI is indebted to General Sir Peter Cosgrove for his flexibility in presenting his Oration at the rescheduled event in June 2021.

The full text is here.


 Air Chief Marshal Sir Angus Houston, AK AFC (Retired)

“Strategic Challenges and Uncertainty, Navigating a Way Forward”

                             The full text is here.


John Berry, the President of the American Australian Association and former US Ambassador to Australia

“Defending Democracy”

News article is here.

The full text is here.


Ric Smith, AO, PSM, former Ambassador to China and to Indonesia, former Secretary of the Department of Defence
“This uncertain world: it’s not just Trump”

News article is here.
The full text is available to ANI fully paid members here and will be published in the Australian Naval Review.



beazleyThe Hon Kim Beazley AC,  former Minister for Defence, Opposition Leader and Ambassador to the USA

Full text is here.



The Hon Dr Brendan Nelson, Director of the Australian War Memorial and former Minister for Defence

“Changing Times, Lasting Values”

Full text is here.


Mike Carlton, Naval Historian and Journalist

“Emden clash shows Navy must tell its story”

Full text is here.


Commander David Hobbs MBE RN (Retired)

“The Development of Aviation in Australia’s Maritime Strategy”
Full text is here.




Dr Michael Wesley

The full text is here.



Rear Admiral James Goldrick, AM, CSC

“From Fleet Unit 1909 to Force 2030: Abiding Themes and Recurrent Challenges in Australia’s Naval Endeavours”

The full text is here.



Graham Freudenberg AO

‘’Winston Is Back! – Churchill & The Naval Empire”

The full text is here.



Michael Pezzullo

“Seapower and Australian Defence Strategy”

The full text is here.



Professor The Hon Kim Beazley, Former Defence Minister and Leader of the Opposition

“The Navy and the White Paper”

The full text is here.


Mike Carlton, Naval Historian and Journalist

“The Not So Silent Service: How the Navy should use the Media – and fear it”



John Rothwell AO, Chairman of AUSTAL Ships

“The Long Term Relationship between Industry and Defence in the Maritime Context”


Rear Admiral Mark Bonser, AO CSC RAN

“RAN Persian Gulf Operations in perspective”

The full text is here.



Professor Geoffrey Till, Dean of Academic Studies at the UK Command and Staff College and Head of the Defence Studies Department of King’s College London

“Freedom of the Sea”

The full text is here.


Dr Norman Friedman, Defence analyst

“Sea Power as Strategy”

The full text can be downloaded in PDF format by clicking here.



Dr Eric Grove, Deputy Director, Centre for Security Studies, University of Hull

“Sea Power in the 21st century”

The full text can be downloaded in PDF format by clicking here.


RADM F W Crickard, RCN (Retired)

“Australian and Canadian Naval policy
and posture during the Cold War”

The full text can be downloaded in PDF format by clicking here.


Rear Admiral Teo Chee Hean RSN

“Maritime Power in South-East Asia”
The full text can be downloaded in PDF format by clicking here.



The Vernon Parker Orators

1989 The Hon Kim Beazley MP, Minister for Defence
1990(?) Admiral Arifin, Indonesian Navy
1991 Rear Admiral Teo Chee Hean RSN
1992 Hon. Don Chipp
1994 RADM F W Crickard
1995 Dr Eric Grove
1997 Professor Richard J. Grunawalt, USN
2003 Professor Geoffrey Till
2004 Rear Admiral Mark Bonser, AO, CSC, RAN
2005 Vice Admiral IDG MacDougall, AC, RAN
2006 Mr John Rothwell AO
2007 Mr Mike Carlton
2008 Professor the Hon Kim Beazley
2009 Mr Mike Pezzullo
2010 Mr Graham Freudenberg
2011 Rear Admiral James Goldrick, AO, CSC, RAN
2012 Dr Michael Wesley
2013 Commander David Hobbs, MBE, RN (retired)
2014 Mr Mike Carlton
2015 Hon Brendan Nelson AO
2016 Hon Kim Beazley, AC
2017 Mr Ric Smith AO, PSM
2018 Ambassador John Berry (retired)
2019 Air Chief Marshal Sir Angus Houston, AK AFC Ret’d
2020/2021 General the Honourable Sir Peter Cosgrove AK AC (Mil) CVO MC (Retired)
2022 Professor William Maley AM
2023 Her Excellency The Honourable Dame Annette King DNZM