2019 ANI GOLDRICK SEMINAR . Maritime Trade and its Implications for Australia’s Defence.Wednesday 18 September 2019
Co-convened with the Royal Australian Navy, the Australian Centre for the Study of Armed Conflict and Society, and the Submarine Institute Australia

The 2019 ANI Goldrick Seminar will discuss defence issues associated with the maintenance of Australia’s maritime trade. Speakers will be drawn from senior levels of Defence, academia and industry. As in previous years, the theme – Maritime Trade and its Implications for Australia’s Defence – was selected by the Chief of Navy; an outcomes report will be provided to the Chief of Navy and it is anticipated that the proceedings will be subsequently published by ACSACS.
The 2019 Goldrick Seminar will comprise three sessions covering the Contemporary Environment, Different Perspectives in Protecting Maritime Trade and Policy Implications.
The Keynote Speaker will be the Chief of Navy, Vice Admiral Michael Noonan, AO RAN.
The seminar will feature eminent speakers from senior levels of Defence, industry and academia, including:
Professor Rob McLaughlin, Director, Australian Centre for the Study of Armed Conflict and Society
Lieutenant Commander Mark Bailey, RAN
Air Vice Marshal John Blackburn AO (Ret’d)
Mr Rod Nairn AM, CEO Australian Shipping Limited
Vice Admiral Peter Jones AO, DSC (Ret’d)
Ms Miseje De Vogel, Australian War Memorial
Commodore Matt Buckley, CSC, RAN
Captain Philippe Petitdidier, Defence Attaché, Embassy of France in Australia
Commodore Brett Sonter, RAN, Director General Military Strategy
Dr Pichamon Yeophantong, School of Humanities and Social Sciences, UNSW Canberra
Date 18 September 2019. Venue Adams Auditorium, Australian Defence Force Academy, Northcott Drive, Campbell ACT. Timing 0900 – 1545. Registration from 0800 – 0900.
Registration Via TryBooking Click here.
Cost $130.00 for ANI Members. $150.00 for non-members. $190.00 for Seminar attendance + ANI membership to 30.06.20. ADFA Midshipmen and Officer Cadets: complimentary registration (bookings essential) .
RSVP Phone: 02 6290 1505; Email: admin@navalinstitute.com.au. Bookings and registrations close at 5.00pm on Thursday, 12 September 2019
[…] Earlier this year the Australian Naval Institute (ANI) and the Naval Studies Group at the University of New South Wales (Canberra) released a joint report titled: Protecting Australian Maritime Trade. The study was commissioned based on the findings of the 2019 ANI Goldrick Seminar. […]