Michael White, President of AE1 Inc, reports
THIS is a short report on the events held in PNG, Australia and the UK of events to mark the 100 years to the day since AE1 was lost off Duke of York island on 14th September 1914.
I will deal with them in turn:
1. PNG: the search by “Yarra” for 4 days, the service at Bita Paka on 11th, the wreath event over the site of AE1 last seen and the service at Rabaul on 14th all went well and I attach an excellent Report on it by Kim Pitt, out AE1 Inc Vice President. The search found a contact of interest but it will require further investigation. If AE1 is not found then next year, after AE2 Centenary is over in April at the Dardanelles, the new company of Find AE1 Ltd chaired by Peter Briggs will take it up with the government for funds to conduct a deep water search with a dedicated ship and deep water equipment chartered in for the job.
2. Brisbane: a Ball on the Saturday night and a service at the Submarine Heritage Walk on Sunday 14th at which some of the Navy Canberra contingent kindly attended.
3. Sydney: an excellent service at the Garden Island chapel was well supported with the GG, the Governor of NSW, the Fleet Commander, many descendant families, navy personnel, representatives for the Government and the Opposition etc and it all went well. Crosses were planted later at the AE1 Memorial for each of the crew lost. I attach the program. ( I also confirm that the opening of the WWI exhibition at the Australian National Maritime Museum by RA Stuart Mayer and the presentation of the medals by Hugh Scarlett from Lt the Hon Leopold Scarlett’s estate at Darling Harbour on Thursday 11th September also went well).
4. Melbourne: service at the Melbourne Shrine on Sunday 14th.
5. Fremantle: service at the Submarine Memorial.
6. UK Barrow: service at Barrow at the AE1/AE2 memorial in the town organised by the UK Submarine Association, Barrow Branch and attended by the RAN defence representation in London.
I extend my congratulations and my thanks to Navy Events for doing so well both in PNG and in Sydney including making provision for some of the AE1 descendant families to fly to PNG with the official party. I extend my thanks to General Sir Peter Cosgrove, GG, to Dame Marie Bashir, Gov NSW, to Rear Admiral Stuart Mayer, Fleet Commander and the Navy team and all of the distinguished guests and community for making the effort in Sydney. Also to Vice Admiral Tim Barrett, CN and Commodore Peter Scott and others for going to PNG and for all the teams in and out of the AE1 Inc team for so suitably commemorating those lost in AE1 in Sydney and elsewhere on the centenary of the loss. Thank you and well done all and we can now feel that we have done our best to commemorate our comrades lost in our first submarine and the first naval loss in war.