Coral Sea and Midway battles explained


Eighty years ago two crucial sea battles were fought that turned the war against the Japanese in the Pacific: the Battle of the Coral Sea and the Battle of Midway.

Lieutenant Commander Desmond Woods’ fully illustrated Zoom presentation to mark the event was greatly appreciated by the online Zoom audience on the 3 May anniversary.

You can see his presentation here.

The presentation examines both the Battle of the Coral Sea and the Battle of Midway and identifies how what happened in the first battle was of crucial significance in the second. Victory at Midway was the hinge on which the outcome of the war in the Pacific swung.

It was at Coral Sea that the damage was done to the Japanese Navy that made that strategic victory at Midway possible. It was also at the Battle of the Coral Sea that the RAN made a major contribution to the defence of Port Moresby. The occupation and use of this base for future operations was the Japanese objective for May of 1942. Had they succeeded in seizing it from the sea Australia’s ability to provide a base for US Forces would have been severely compromised.

Desmond Woods has served for more than 45 years in the RNZN, the RN the British Army and the RAN as an education officer teaching naval and military history to junior officers. From 2003 – 2010 he was the Course Officer for the Strategic Studies Course at the RANC. While on the staff of the Australian Command and Staff College he ran the CDF’s 2010 International Counterinsurgency conference.


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