Christmas Message from the ANI President

From VADM Peter Jones (RAN ret)
I offer seasons greetings to ANI members and subscribers to our newsletter. It has been tumultuous year and one I hope we will not repeat.

I would like to acknowledge the hard work of the ANI Council, as well as Sue and Richard Hart of Corporate Management Services and our web content manager Crispin Hull in their efforts to deliver an interesting program of activities and services despite the COVID restrictions.
Other bright spots have been the new website and the very engaging Goldrick Webinar Series. Like you I am looking forward to 2021 and in particular the opportunity to have events in which we can gather.
On behalf of the ANI Council I wish you a Merry Christmas and all the best for 2021.
I extend my best wishes also to the men and women of the RAN who will be serving at sea and ashore over the Christmas period.


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