ANI oration: wider Indo-Pacific strategy needed


Australia should develop an Indo-Pacific strategy that should be broader than just defence, a leading academic told the Australian Naval Institute’s annual dinner.

Professor Rory Medcalf, AM, Head of the National Security College at the Australian National University, was delivering the annual Vernon Parker Oration at the dinner.

His theme was: Putting AUKUS in its place: Australia’s submerged Indo-Pacific strategy.

In his address, Professor Medcalf noted that whilst many countries in the Indo-Pacific region have publicly articulated Into-Pacific strategies, including Canada recently, Australia has yet to do so. He suggested any such strategy formulated by Australia should be broader than just defence-based, and this would give clarity to whole of government approaches to the region.

First delivered in 1989, the annual Oration is named in honour of the first ANI President, the late Commodore Vernon Parker.

More on Professor Metcalf’s address will be published at a later date.


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