About the ANI


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ANI Objectives

The ANI was formed and incorporated in the ACT in 1975 as a self-supporting and non-profit making organisation to provide a forum for Naval Officers and others interested in maritime affairs.
The main objectives of the Institute are:
to encourage and promote the advancement of knowledge related to the Navy and the maritime profession; and
to provide a forum for the exchange of ideas concerning subjects related to the Navy and the maritime profession.

Join the ANI
Members of the ANI get discounts on ANI events; the annual publication of Headmark; and the knowledge that they are contributing to important public debates on naval and maritime affairs. To join, email admin@navalinstitute.com.au and ask for details. Joining the organisation is different from subscribing to the website content.

The Constitution, last revised on 31 March 2014, is here.

The 2016-2018 Strategic Plan is here.

Business Manager
Sue Hart
Commerce Management Services
PO Box 241, DEAKIN WEST ACT 2600
email: admin@navalinstitute.com.au
Phone number 02 6290 1505
Fax 02 6290 1580

Headmark Editor
email: editor@navalinstitute.com.au

Website Editor — Crispin Hull

Book Reviews — Desmond Woods

Submit news, events, and non-Headmark articles, essays and comment to: webmaster@navalinstitute.com.au

Submit comments on articles via the website on the form below each article.

The Council

(Patron – Vice Admiral Tim Barrett, AO CSC RAN)

President        VADM Peter Jones AO DSC (Rtd)
Vice President CDRE Lee Goddard, CSC RAN
Secretary        LEUT Stephanie Foulkes RAN
Treasurer       CMDR Nick Tate RAN
Public Officer  CMDR Sophia Hill RAN
Councillor       LCDR Richard Adams RAN
Councillor       CMDR Alastair Cooper RAN (Rtd)
Councillor       Dr Gregory Gilbert
Councillor       Mr Brian Mansell
Councillor       MIDN Ailie McCallum RAN
Councillor       CAPT Heath Robertson RAN
Councillor       LEUT Ben Robinson RAN
Councillor       LEUT Lee Robinson RAN
Councillor       SBLT Luke Searle RAN
Councillor       CMDR Nicholas Watson RAN
Councillor       LCDR Desmond Woods RAN
Councillor MIDN Callum Hicks
Business Manager Ms Sue Hart


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