Australian Naval Review – Issue 1, 2020


Today, the Australian Naval Institute is pleased to launch Issue 1 of the Australian Naval Review for 2020 to our members.

In launching the Review, President of the ANI, Vice Admiral Peter Jones said “the ANR continues to evolve as a publication containing a diverse range of peer-reviewed articles on naval and maritime affairs. It is hoped they will be of considerable interest to our members”.

As has become a hallmark of the Review, this issue contains articles by members of the Royal Australian Navy, our industry partners and academia, among others.

Chief Executive of the Naval Shipbuilding Enterprise, Mr Ian Irving, has written on developing the workforce necessary to deliver the ambitious Naval Shipbuilding Plan. Continuing this theme, Dr Marcus Hellyer has discussed how Australia can get the most out of our developing national shipbuilding capability.

They are joined as contributing authors by academics Distinguished Professor Stuart Kaye, Associate Professor David Letts, and Dr Pichamon Yeophantong.

The role of maritime autonomous systems as a critical element of the future naval force has been discussed by the Chief of Navy, Vice Admiral Michael Noonan.

Other authors in this issue of the Australian Naval Review include Dr Thomas Mahnken, President of the US-based Centre for Strategic and Budgetary Assessments, former Chief of Navy, Vice Admiral Tim Barrett and ANI President, Vice Admiral Peter Jones, and Councillor, Lieutenant Commander Desmond Woods, RAN.

“One of the objectives in developing the new ANI website was to improve accessibility to the growing body of ANI publications and reports. As a result, the new and all back issues of the Australian Naval Review are now available in a dedicated ‘Publications’ section of the ANI’s website.” said Vice Admiral Jones.

The Australian Naval Institute looks forward to launching Issue 2 of the Australian Naval Review later in the year.


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