24 Mar 1940. RAN commando operation

Commander Ian Fleming RNVR
Commander Ian Fleming RNVR
24 March 1940 RAN Commando Operation
VOLUNTEERS from ships of Australia’s “Scrap Iron Flotilla”, in the Mediterranean, embarked on a mission to block the Danube River at a feature known as the Iron Gates.

The operation was planned by the Admiralty’s Director of Naval Intelligence from a suggestion made by LCDR M. Minshall, RNVR, who had voyaged down the river on an intelligence mission shortly before the war.

Coordinator for the operation was LCDR Ian Fleming, RNVR (pictured) later creator of the fictional hero James Bond. Fleming smuggled 14 tons of explosives across Europe on the Orient Express. The operation was discovered by German agents before the RAN-manned barges reached the target.

In the withdrawal one barge loaded with explosives was detonated beneath a railway viaduct. Fortunately All RAN members of the Commando-style mission succeeded in returning to their ships.


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