2018 ACT Blamey Oration. ANI discount


The United Services Institute of the Australian Capital Territory is offering full ANI members a discount for the 2018 ACT Blamey oration – the same rate as USI members. The 2018 ACT Blamey Oration will be delivered by General John Allen AO (USMC, Retd). General Allen is the President of the prestigious Brookings Institute and a distinguished fellow in the Foreign Policy Program at Brookings.

He is a former commander of the NATO International Security Assistance Force in Afghanistan and US Forces in Afghanistan. In 2014, he was appointed an Officer in the Order of Australia for distinguished service to the International Campaign Against Terrorism as the Commander of the International Security Assistance Force in Afghanistan from 18 July 2011 to 10 February 2013.

The event will be held at the National Gallery of Australia, Canberra, on Tuesday 4 December 2018 at 1900 for 1930 hours.

The working title for the Oration is American Leadership in the 21st Century.

You can register for the event here or by contacting Mickey in the office (T: 02 6266 3446; E: support@rusi.org.au).

Ticket prices are:

USI/RUSI/ANI members: $95/head

Non-members: $145/head

Ticket prices include pre-dinner canapés and drinks, a three course dinner and wine at the table.

Members please note: spouses, partners and other guests are most welcome, but there is no “first guest at member price” discount for this event.

Dress: lounge suit.

The Oration will be delivered as part of a dinner to be held at the National Gallery on Tuesday 4 December. The details are on the RUSI website: https://www.rusi.org.au/event-3102506.


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