Discount for ANI members at USNI site


THE ANI has always worked closely with the United States Naval Institute (USNI) and over recent months we have been finding ways of increasing cooperation between both organisations. The USNI President, Admiral Pete Daly, has kindly agreed to offer a US$10 discount and a free gift to full ANI members if they also wish to join the USNI. This means for instance that online membership of the USNI is now available to ANI members for just US$29 pa. There are many benefits including electronic copies of Proceedings and discounts on all USNI books.

THE new look ANI will continue to search options to increase the value of full membership to its members.

The USNI special webpage is here.

The letter from USNI CEO to to the chair of the ANI council is here.

Here is the message from the USNI:

Dear Friend of the US Naval Institute,

As a subscriber to the U.S. Naval Institute’s online newsletter, I believe I know something about you.

You are obviously someone who values unbiased reporting…cares about national defense…appreciates naval history…and feels a strong kinship with the U.S. Navy, Marine Corps, and Coast Guard.

However, do you know right now you are getting only a small taste of all the fascinating benefits the U.S. Naval Institute offers?

That is why I want to invite you personally to STEP UP to a Membership in the U.S. Naval Institute – and at a discount (more on that in a moment). Here is what you gain:
Membership in an influential society of nearly 50,000 naval professionals
Unlimited print and digital access to Proceedings. Only Members get 12 issues of the Naval Institute’s flagship publication. Each engaging and absolutely riveting full color magazine is delivered right to your doorstep (and always conveniently available online). You will never find it on a newsstand: the print issue is only available to Regular members.
Insights on the real story. Understand issues critical to the Sea Services and our national defense, including the real story behind strategies, naval encounters, procurements, and more.
Official member credentials. Get an impressive personal I.D. card and frame-worthy Member Certificate.
Exclusive discounts. Never pay full price again for any Naval Institute Press book title, catalog gift, or other product.


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