Due to the significance of the Government’s 2020 Defence Strategic Update and the 2020 Force Structure Plan the ANI will have a number of articles in coming weeks analysing these policies.
The Coronavirus pandemic and the national response has dominated all our lives over recent months. As you will have followed in the ANI newsletter and on our website we have adjusted our program of activities in keeping with the government guidelines. This we do knowing that they have contributed greatly to maintaining the well being of all Australians. The ANI’s already announced revised activities plan will see it hold its annual dinner and the delivery of the 2020 Vernon Parker Oration to now coincide with the Goldrick Seminar. I would like to acknowledge the support of Sir Peter Cosgrove who will deliver the Oration; the Dinner sponsor, Lockheed Martin Australia; and the Goldrick Seminar sponsor, Thales Australia, for their support and understanding as we have tried to keep one step ahead of the Coronavirus. As you will appreciate all the plans for these events on 13-14 October are predicated on the dynamic and developing public health situation. I am confident both events, if they are able to be held, will be outstanding. In these unusual times the ANI Council has focused its energies on looking at how to improve the Institute offerings to its members and subscribers. The most tangible evidence of this is the new website. The funding of which has come from our operating surplus over the last two years. You can expect to see more news and analysis in a broader array of topics, such as:
Submissions are welcomed and can be sent to our new dedicated address: comms@navalintsitute.com.au I encourage you all to reach out to your peers and colleagues who may also wish to provide submissions in support of maritime discussions. In recent years we have had developing relationships with the US Naval Institute, the British Naval Review and the Canadian Naval Association. One of our Councillors, Commander Steve Lenik is now our dedicated External Engagement Councillor to extend this engagement more broadly so that the ANI can provide a broader perspective on naval and maritime affairs. Thank you for your continued support and interest in the ANI and in return we will strive to ensure it remains a relevant and valued institution.