
Become a member of the Australian Naval Institute and enjoy a range of opportunities and benefits including discounts on events; the biannual Australian Naval Review; and full access to everything on the website. (See details below.)

The ANI is an Approved Defence Organisation (ADO) which means that membership can be used for professional development. ANI members who are Active RAN personnel can use Webform AE275 to have membership of the ANI added to their personal details (PMKeys).

Membership of the Australian Naval Institute is open to any person who supports the aims of the Institute.

Through being an active participant in the global maritime environment, the ANI seeks to continue to provide an active forum for the discussion of naval tactical and strategic affairs that involves our serving members, industry partners and affiliated organisations both domestically and internationally.

The cost of ANI membership is:
One year $95. Two years $180. Three years $260.
A concessional rate ($75, $135 and $195) applies for anyone who is fully retired or of the rank of Lieutenant or below.
From 1 July 2023 prices are inclusive of GST

You can pay online by pressing the button below. 

New Member Subscription Rates



Or download the membership form here.

Contact the Secretariat for more details:
Commerce Management Services
PO Box 9141, DEAKIN  ACT 2600
Phone: 02 6290 1505
Fax: 02 6290 1580

Benefits of ANI membership:

Fully paid members get discounts at all ANI activities. These include:

o Annual Dinner in Canberra where the Vernon Parker Oration is delivered by a distinguished figure in naval, strategic or national affairs. Previous speakers have included Sir Angus Houston AK AFC (Ret’d), Former Ambassador John Berry (Retired), Mr Ric Smith AO PSM, the Hon Kim Beazley AO, Dr Brendon Nelson AO,  Chiefs of the RAN and foreign navies.

o Annual Goldrick Seminar conducted in Canberra towards the end of each year.  The topic for the Seminar is selected in consultation with the Chief of Navy and is aimed at providing a forum on a particular topic with a panel of experts to lead the discussion.

o A copy of the Australian Naval Review – an biannual, peer-reviewed Journal of international standing.

o Periodic Maritime Events such as the 2016 briefing and tour of HMAS Canberra and the 2017 HMAS Albatross briefing on the Future of the Fleet Air Arm.

o Lectures on an opportunity basis by distinguished leaders and thought-leaders in naval and strategic affairs.

o Seminars on naval and maritime affairs, generally held in Sydney or other naval centres outside Canberra.

o Co-sponsor opportunities for conferences or seminars in conjunction with the Navy or other kindred maritime and strategic institutions.

 The ANI is an internationally recognized and professionally administered naval professional naval institution that has been in existence for 40 years.

 Its Patron is the Chief of Navy.

 The Subscriber base to its website is over 1200 individuals or organisations. New content is regularly notified to subscribers to encourage readership.

 Membership is around 300 individuals or organisations.

 The Institute’s objective is to provide a forum for discussion of naval and strategic matters. It is consciously forward looking but will encourage the discourse of naval and strategic history where it provides context for the future.

 As part of encouraging discussion the Institute is keen to bring people from the Navy, industry, academia and the broader interested community together to share perspectives and enrich thought and discussion. This is a major strength of the Institute.

 The Institute has regularly reinvigorated itself in the face of the changing naval and strategic landscape, members’ needs and technology.

Future plans for the Institute include:
o Greater public engagement on naval affairs.

o Implement a media award for excellence of reporting in naval affairs. The award will be presented at the Annual Dinner. The overall objective is to encourage improved reporting of the naval sphere.

o Ongoing enhancements to the ANI website.

o Greater outreach to the naval community beyond Canberra through seminars and the internet.

 These initiatives will ensure that the ANI is the pre-eminent Institute devoted to encouraging informed discussion of naval and related strategic issues in Australia.