Goldrick seminar to be presented as webinars


Remote and Autonomous Systems at Sea

7 October- 25 November 2020

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, this year’s Goldrick Seminar has been replaced by the Goldrick Webinars. These webinars are generously sponsored by Thales Australia.

The Australian Naval Institute is also partnering with the University of NSW (Canberra), the Royal Australian Navy and the Submarine Institute of Australia to stage the Goldrick Webinars.

The Goldrick Webinars will discuss the wide range of issues around Remote and Autonomous Systems (RAS) at Sea including: Future capability and Integration, RAS in the Littoral Domain; RAS in the Maritime Air Domain; RAS in the Undersea Domain; Evaluation and Sustainment, and the Legal and Ethical Considerations.

The Goldrick Webinars will be held at 1300 each Wednesday, commencing 7 October. Each will be approximately one hour duration. Registration will be complimentary for ANI members and ANI sponsors.

Speakers will include the Chief of Navy, Vice Admiral Michael Noonan AO, RAN who will present the keynote address. The webinars will also feature eminent speakers from senior levels of Defence, industry and academia.

Details of the Goldrick Webinars and how to register are available here.





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