
Baltic’s greater strategic importance

By Sebastian Bruns and Julian Pawlak* “The Baltic Sea has grown to a never-seen strategic significance in the past years.” This is how Vice Admiral...

Carrier to protect Afghan withdrawal

Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin has decided to keep an aircraft carrier in the Middle East to help provide protection for American and coalition troops...

Rich pickings for military strategists

Now is the time for those who like to play war games or develop notional military strategies. There have seldom been so many rich...

Guarding ports and harbours

By Jack Rowley* Worldwide “Ocean Governance” asks the important question: “How can navies and coast guards better coordinate with local governments and international agencies in countering...

China pips US in number of ships. So what?

Exactly if and when the increasing antagonism between United States and China will boil over into full-on conflict remains anybody’s guess. But for now, one...

China learning from Falklands War

The Falklands War, a war in South America 39 years ago is still teaching China lessons about how to seize Taiwan, Business Insider's Benjamin Brimelow...

Fishing and China’s maritime militia

This is the second part on CHina's maritime militia. Read Part One here. By Shuxian Luo and Jonathan G. Panter* The surge of propaganda notwithstanding, several...

US Navy: threat of eroded deterrence

By Adam Taylor* Recent remarks by Admiral Phil Davidson, Commander of the Indo-Pacific Command (INDO-PACOM), highlights one of the most difficult challenges confronting US naval...

What is a navy for?

By Nicholas A. Lambert* Speaking to Congress, the Chief of Naval Operations recently argued that the purpose of the U.S. Navy hinged on the timeless...

What should India’s maritime strategy be?

By Abhijit Singh* An interesting debate has emerged in the pages of The Interpreter involving maritime strategy. Arzan Tarapore wrote an article last month arguing...