
Why the US is preparing undersea

As Russia and China bolster their own submarine fleets and capabilities, the U.S. Navy has renewed its focus on undersea threats and has labeled...

Afghanistan: now it’s the Navy’s turn

By Paul McLeary of Politico The American military’s involvement in Afghanistan could soon become largely the Navy’s responsibility, an ironic twist for a counterterrorism mission...

Sea trade: concentrating on the essentials

By James Goldrick* Tom Shugart’s Lowy Institute analysis of the rising maritime capabilities of China’s armed forces presents a bleak prospect for the imbalance between...

Defending Australia’s trade. Crucial question

By Hugh White* Thomas Shugart’s excellent Lowy analysis Australia and the growing reach of China’s military is by far the best thing I’ve read on...

Fostering regional naval ties

From  26 – 29 August 2021 the RAN took part in Exercise MALABAR 2021 involving naval units from India, Japan and the United States. The exercise off Guam...

Sydney Harbour to remain at core of east coast defences

Sydney Harbour will retain the naval presence its had since the First Fleet and “the days of the sail” with Defence formally scotching a...

An Australian naval and maritime vision for Indian Ocean

By Sean Gough, Defence Writer, WA Defence Review and Serge DeSilva-Ranasinghe, Managing Editor, WA Defence Review In late 2017, Regional Development Australia published a major study titled Security...

Indian Ocean climate’s impact on Australia

The Western Australian Defence Review looks at how climate change in the Indian Ocean will affect Australia. By Dr Nick D’Adamo, Dr David Brewster, Dr...

Plotting Darwin Habour’s future

By John Coyne and Teagan Westendorf* Darwin Harbour and the port facilities along its eastern arm have a long history of disregard, disrepair and haphazard...

Maritime Strategy and the Law

The Defence Strategic Update: Maritime Strategy and the Law Dr Cameron Moore* This article was first published in the Australian Naval Review, 2020, Issue 2, in December...