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USS Ford’s vast 5-acre deck

Even for those familiar with the impressive acreage of a Nimitz-class carrier flight deck, the vastness of the Gerald R. Ford's flattop is eye-watering. While...

US Navy Secretary pushes extra Indo-Pacific role

The United States should boost its military presence in the Indo-Pacific region with a new numbered fleet, possibly based in Singapore, according to the...

US military recognises climate change as key threat

The Defense Department Inspector General's annual list of challenges for the military in the coming year features a newcomer: the long-term threat to installations...

Annual ship-building report needed

There are a lot of moving parts involved in the ramp-up of the government’s naval shipbuilding enterprise. It’s hard for anybody to keep track...

Europe’s growing Indo-Pacific interest

By Lisa Louis* The Netherlands recently published its first official strategy paper for the Indo-Pacific, just ten weeks after Germany had brought out its own....

Webinar on Sydney II, Kormoran sinking

Zoom Presentation: Tuesday 24th November 2020 The 19 th November was the 79 th anniversary of the battle between HMAS SYDNEY II and HSK KORMORAN...

Commodore Sam Bateman Book Prize

The Australian Naval Institute has announced the inauguration of the Commodore Sam Bateman Book Prize. The Prize will be awarded annually to recognise excellence...

Naval Minewarfare. Politics to Practicalities

Naval Minewarfare. Politics to Practicalities. By Captain Chris O’Flaherty, RN. The Choir Press, Gloucester, U.K.  2019. xvii + 394 pp, illustrations, diagrams, tables, notes, annexes,...

British Naval Intelligence Through the 20th Century

British Naval Intelligence Through the Twentieth Century. By Andrew Boyd. Seaforth Publishing, Barnsley, 2020. ISBN 978-1-5267-3659-8 Reviewed by David Hobbs ANI members will know Andrew Boyd...

The Emergence of American Amphibious Warfare 1898 – 1945

The Emergence of American Amphibious Warfare 1898 – 1945. By David S. Nasca. Naval Institute Press, Annapolis, 2020. Reviewed by Tim Coyle Amphibious warfare has ancient origins; however,...