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Like a Wicked Noah’s Ark – The Nautical School Ships Vernon and Sobraon

Like a Wicked Noah’s Ark – The Nautical School Ships Vernon and Sobraon. By Sarah Luke. Published by Arcadia, an imprint of Australian Scholarly Publishing, Sydney,...

The British Carrier Strike Fleet After 1945

The British Carrier Strike Fleet After 1945. By David Hobbs. Seaforth Publishing, Barnsley, 2015 re-published in paperback 2020. Reviewed by Tim Coyle BUY NOW FROM BOOKTOPIA Naval aviation has been the catalyst...

Dark Secrets – The True Story of Murder in HMAS Australia

Dark Secrets – The True Story of Murder in HMAS Australia. By Robert Hadler. Wilkinson Publishing Melbourne, 2020. Reviewed by Greg Swinden  Murder in the Royal Australian Navy...

Harrier 809. Britain’s legendary Jump Jet

Harrier 809. Britain's Legendary Jump Jet and the Untold Story of the Falklands War. By Rowland White. Bantam Press, an imprint of Transworld Publishers. ISBN 978-1-787-63158-8 Reviewed by David Hobbs BUY NOW FROM BOOKTOPIA The...

US projects its advantage at sea

The US Navy has just published Advantage at Sea. Advantage at Sea is a Tri-Service Maritime Strategy that focuses on China and Russia, the two...

Christmas Message from the ANI President

From VADM Peter Jones (RAN ret) I offer seasons greetings to ANI members and subscribers to our newsletter. It has been tumultuous year and one I...

General Naval Tactics. Theory and Practice

General Naval Tactics; Theory and Practice. By Milan Vego. Naval Institute Press, Annapolis, 2020 Reviewed by Tim Coyle The exercise of naval tactics in history is...

Warships after London

Warships after London. By John Jordan. Seaforth Publishing, 2020. ISBN 978-1-5267-7749-2 Reviewed by David Hobbs The sequel to John Jordan's earlier Warships after Washington published in...

2020 ANI McNeil Prize Awarded to Professor Jason Scholz

The Chief of Navy Vice Admiral Michael Noonan announced the winner of the Australian Naval Institute’s McNeil Prize for 2020 on December 2. The recipient...

USS Ford’s vast 5-acre deck

Even for those familiar with the impressive acreage of a Nimitz-class carrier flight deck, the vastness of the Gerald R. Ford's flattop is eye-watering. While...