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Why Turkish F-35s are threat to US and NATO

By Duncan Kellogg Imagine, for a moment, a hypothetical country rapidly spiraling towards autocracy, illegally arresting American citizens, imprisoning journalists, and attacking American-supported forces. Now...

Boardings highlight RAN patrol capabilities

Lt Tobias Phelps of the RAN with members of the Royal Malaysian Navy boarding party during a joint boarding exercise on HMAS Success during...

Greece shows interest in buying RAN FFGs

By Ewen Levick Athens has sent an expression of interest to Defence to buy the RAN’s two remaining Adelaide-class FFG frigates, HMA Ships Melbourne and Newcastle, Australian Defence Magazine reports. Greek Minister...

Talking to the chiefs: Mike Noonan

By Brendan Nicholson* The regional security situation is evolving faster than anyone expected and that’s driving the Royal Australian Navy’s rebalance from the Middle East...

Should Australia follow Japan and take the F-35 to sea?

By Malcolm Davis* Japan’s decision to deploy the short take-off and vertical landing (STOVL) variant of the joint strike fighter, the F-35B, from its Izumo-class warships will transform...

Why the Quad won’t ever be an Asian NATO

By Andrew O'Neil and Lucy West* The most recent meeting of the Quadrilateral Security Dialogue on the sidelines of the East Asia Summit in Singapore...

Eternal Patrol – Commodore Bryan Cleary, RAN (Rtd)

By Captain Chris Churcher CSM, RAN REGRETTABLY I advise of the passing of Commodore Bryan Cleary, RAN (Rtd), who died of a heart attack on Sat 7 Dec 2013. Commodore Cleary joined the Navy as a recruit in 1942 through HMAS Cerberus, but was quickly identified as an officer candidate and by Nov 1942 was a Midshipman in the RANVR.

Centenary of ANZAC (Navy)

HMAS SYDNEY escorting First AIF Convoy from Albany Nov 1914Lieutenant Commander  Desmond Woods, RAN Staff Officer Centenary of Anzac (Navy) The last half of 1914 and the first half of 2015 were very busy months for the young RAN and the same period a century on will be filled  with Centenary of Anzac (Navy) commemorative activities. These events will remind Australians of those key naval and maritime events in which the RAN took part both in the Pacific, the Indian Ocean and in the Dardanelles.

Flying the ASEAN flag

asean flagBy Chris Watson*Unfortunately it appears even that the tsunami and the subsequent embarrassing dependency on outsiders for assistance was insufficient to persuade ASEAN members that there exists a need for real naval interoperability.

Admiral Sir John ‘Sandy’ Woodward RN

Admiral Woodward makes an address in retirement (Courtesy Salon magazine) By Captain Peter Hore* ADMIRAL Sir John 'Sandy' Woodward, who has died aged 81, commanded the carrier battle group, Task Force 317.8, during the Falklands War in 1982. In March 1982 Woodward was a rear admiral and as Flag Officer, First Flotilla commanded a group of ships on their spring exercise off Gibraltar.   On March 29, as the news from the South Atlantic worsened, Woodward joined the Commander in Chief Fleet, John Fieldhouse in his temporary flagship, the destroyer Glamorgan. That evening, with Captain Mike Barrow, the captain of Glamorgan, they discussed ‘what if’ the Falkland Islands were to be invaded and they were asked to re-take them.