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The F-35 at sea – not quite déjà vu

By Sam Fairall-Lee The recent revisiting of the arguments around taking the F-35 to sea cast my mind back to the bitter carrier debate of the 1970s...

How to build a 355-ship navy today

“It shall be the policy of the United States to have available, as soon as practicable, not fewer than 355 battle force ships.” -Section...

India’s submarine rivalry with China in the second nuclear age

By Ramesh Thakur There are substantially fewer nuclear weapons today than at the height of the Cold War. Yet the overall risks of nuclear war—by...

The looming Taiwan crisis

By Richard N. Haass Much of lasting significance happened in 1979. There was the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan and Iran’s Islamic revolution, which brought to...

Defending Taiwan: the deterrent effect of uncertainty

By Rod Lyon and Michael Shoebridge The recent debate  between Paul Dibb and Hugh Whitee over how Australia ought to respond to an unprovoked Chinese attack on the island...

Spats in the Malaysia-Singapore straits

By Bec Strating* Australia has presented itself as a defender of the international “rules-based order” in response to rising challenges facing the United Nations Convention...

A rising China and the future of the ‘Blue Pacific’

By Dame Meg Taylor The focus of the Pacific Islands Forum and its Secretariat is securing the future prosperity and wellbeing of the “Blue Pacific”....

Illegal fishing vessel finally caught

The illegal fishing ship Andrey Dolgov has finally been caught, the BBC's Richard Grey reports. Pursued by a sleek, heavily armed naval patrol boat, the...

F-35B still a chance on Australian’s Canberra-class ships

Does the F-35B still have a fighting chance to make it onto Australia’s Canberra-class warships? By Robert Farley Is Australia going to take another look at the F-35B? Specifically,...

No capability gap with subs, CN says

There would be no capability gap as the Navy replaces the Collins class submarines with the new Attack class, the Chief of Navy, Vice-Admiral...