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Appear Where You are Not Expected

This essay won the Smith Prize (open to all members of the Department of Defence)  in the Chief of Navy's 2019 Essay Competition. ...

The Past, Present and Future of Maritime Trade Warfare

This essay won the MacDougall Prize open to all members of the Royal Australian Navy aged 25 or under in the Chief of Navy's...

Maritime lessons from the Peloponnesian War

By John Nash* This essay won the McKenzie Prize in the Chief of Navy's 2019 Essay Competition. The McKenzie Prize is open to any entrant...

Results of Chief of Navy essay competition

Results of the 2019 Chief of Navy Essay Competition have been announced. The ANI will published the winning and highly commended essays over the...

Two ANI prizes awarded

Two Australian Naval Institute prizes were awards at the recent Creswell graduation, the ANI Sea Training Deployment Prize and the ANI RANC Prize. ANI Sea...

New history podcast episodes

The final episodes of the 2019 Australian Naval History podcast series have been released. The last two deal with the Battles of Leyte Gulf and Lingayen...

2019 Annual General Meeting

The ANI held its AGM at the Australian Defence Force Academy on 7  November. 27 members attended the meeting and 10 members provided proxy...

President’s report 2019

Ladies and Gentlemen Thank you for coming to the 2019 Annual General Meeting. Your support is greatly appreciated. As you will hear in the Treasurer’s Report...

Reminder: ANI AGM is on 7 Nov 5.30pm

The Annual General Meeting of the Australian Naval Institute will be held on Thursday, 7 November 2019 in the Military Theatre, ADFA, ACT commencing...

HMAS Melbourne II Trilogy podcast

The Australian Naval Institute proudly partners with the University of NSW (Canberra), the Seapower Centre, the Naval Historical Society and the Submarine Institute in...