European vessels to Caribbean
France, the Netherlands and the United Kingdom have decided to join efforts in dealing with the COVID-19 crisis currently affecting their overseas territories, Naval...
Clausewitz, Corbett and Corvettes
By Captain Sascha H. Rackwitz, German Navy
Whether we like it or not, we live in an era of a fundamental reorientation of the international...
Australian LHDs could help Pacific islands
By David Brewster
Australia’s political leaders have spoken strongly about assisting our Pacific ‘family’ through the Covid-19 crisis. But the needs of the island nations...
Plan Galileo, reshaping Navy’s sustainment and support
Despite the turmoil and disruption of COVID-19, keeping the individual branches of the ADF ready to meet the requirements expected by government and the...
Covid-19 will strain US military
Captain Brett E. Crozier, the recently deposed commander of America’s pandemic-stricken aircraft carrier the USS Theodore Roosevelt, was absolutely right when he told his superiors that “sailors...
Co-operative deployments are indispensable
By David Wallsh and Eleanore Douglas
Chief of Naval Operations (CNO) Admiral Gilday’s December 2019 Fragmentary Order (FRAGO), “Design for Maintaining Maritime Superiority,” emphasizes the importance of...