N-subs and balance of power in Indo-Pacific
By James Goldrick
The maritime strategic balance in the Indo-Pacific is changing rapidly. The future of undersea nuclear deterrent forces has strategic, operational and force...
In defence, Australia should be an echidna
By Sam Roggeveen
Foreign Editor for The Australian, Greg Sheridan, got his hands on a copy of the yet-to-be-released Defence Strategic Update, and he wrote about it over...
China plays divide and rule
Chinese propagandists have had a field day with a violent incident in the South China Sea which for once didn’t involve its own aggression,...
Will US lease Cam Ranh Bay?
By Carl Thayer*
Rumors are circulating that Vietnam is considering leasing Cam Ranh Bay or some of its islands in the South China Sea to...
Australia’s dependence on maritime trade
By Peter Jones*
Earlier this year the Australian Naval Institute (ANI) and the Naval Studies Group at the University of New South Wales (Canberra) released a joint report titled: Protecting Australian Maritime...
Predictable strategy, unpredictable operations
By Carlyle A. Thayer
The U.S Navy. vessel, USS Bunker Hill conducted two FONOPs on April 28th and 29th in the Paracel and Spratly Islands, respectively. How...
RAN needs support ship at Manus
Commentary on equipping the Australian Defence Force tends to focus on high-end combat capabilities such as frigates, fighter aircraft and armoured vehicles. Much less...
Undersea deterrence
By Rory Medcalf
Amid rapid geopolitical change at the start of the 2020s, unfolding now in the Covid-19 crisis, nuclear weapons manifest grim continuity with...
European vessels to Caribbean
France, the Netherlands and the United Kingdom have decided to join efforts in dealing with the COVID-19 crisis currently affecting their overseas territories, Naval...
Clausewitz, Corbett and Corvettes
By Captain Sascha H. Rackwitz, German Navy
Whether we like it or not, we live in an era of a fundamental reorientation of the international...