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A grand strategic framework for Australia – a maritime nation

090606-N-4774B-140IN THE more than a century since Australia was created by federation of six colonial and other territories, there has never been a coherent grand strategic framework for Australia’s national security and defence policy and the development of force posture and structure, CHRISTOPHER SKINNER writes.

The gift that has kept on giving – BRP Quezon

BRP Manuel L. Quezon (70), August 2009, off Indonesia Pictures and text by MICHAEL NITZ - Naval Press Service BRP Quezon is one of the oldest ships worldwide in active navy service. The corvette originally commissioned for the US Navy in February 1944 and was later transferred to the Philippine Navy in 1967. Built by Associated Shipbuilders in Seattle, she has seen a wide variety of fit-outs and duties.

Japan’s rising security challenges

The Japanese Maritime Self Defense Force ship JS Makinami (DD 112) JAPAN'S decision to reinterpret its pacific constitution to allow the right to collective defence has angered China. It is crafting a more active role in security and defence in response to rising instability in Northeast Asia. BARRY DESKER and BHUBHINDAR SINGH comment.

Unmanned maritime surveillance and weapons systems

SpartanScoutImage.jpgBy GARY MARTINIC THE rapid evolution of military robotic technology evident today has seen the emergence and growing acceptance of unmanned vehicles (UVs) across all three operating environments, air, land and sea. This has been due to the fact that UVs have consistently demonstrated their worth across a wide spectrum of current military operations and campaigns.

Japan goes on the defensive

NormanFriedman2LATE in June Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe announced that Japan would modify its military policy to make contributions to collective defence permissible. Norman Friedman looks at the implications.

A well-balanced Air Force

20110705raaf8205214_9005_A3.psdInterview with Air Marshal Brown, Chief of Royal Australian Air Force by Sergei DeSilva-Ranasinghe THE Royal Australian Air Force (RAAF) maintains one of the leading Air Forces in the Asia Pacific region and is in the process implementing its most significant modernisation programme in decades. In an exclusive interview, the RAAF Chief, Air Marshal Geoff Brown, talked with Sergei DeSilva-Ranasinghe on a range of topics that emphasised the RAAF’s development and current challenges, updates on modernisation and acquisition programmes, the Air Force’s role in support of Army and Navy amphibious doctrine and its future objectives.

CN’s haul down signal

griggshauldownBy Vice Admiral RAY GRIGGS TODAY (30 June 2014) my flag will be hauled down and I will hand over command of the Royal Australian Navy to Vice Admiral Tim Barrett. It has been the most enormous privilege for me, to be given the honour of leading you all for the last three years and being the professional head of the best Navy in the world. It is not an honour that many are given.

New Tensions in the South China Sea

By SAM BATEMAN CHINA'S positioning of a state-owned oil rig in waters near the disputed Paracel Islands has led to increased tensions between China and Vietnam. While this has been seen as another demonstration of Chinese assertiveness, a closer look may tell a different story.

China angling for greater presence

NormanFriedman2By NORNAN FRIEDMAN LAST December, the Chinese province of Hainan announced an exclusively Chinese fishing zone covering much of the South China Sea. Chinese coast guard ships arrested some fishing vessels and seized their catch. Protests drew the claim that this was not a matter of Chinese national policy, merely a policy broached by a provincial government – but there has been no retreat on the Chinese part.

Why MH370 will likely never be found

The missing aircraft pictured in 2011Military Historian and shipwreck hunter Dr Tom Lewis analyses why the Malaysia Airlines Boeing 777 aircraft will most likely never be found.