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US budget plan includes more than $13bn for subs: sources

carterTHE Pentagon's next five-year budget proposal seeks over $13 billion in funding for a new submarine to carry nuclear ballistic missiles, plus orders for more Boeing Co and Lockheed Martin Corp fighter jets, according to sources familiar with the plans.

Extend Collins, ex-RAN engineer says

HMAS RankinBy Danuta Kozaki A REIRED Naval engineer has called on the Federal Government to extend the life of Australia's submarines to stop a gap emerging in the nation's defence capabilities. In an address given at peak body Engineers Australia on 8 Feb 2016.

The Navy and the Nation

VADM_Tim_BarrettThe Chief of the Navy, Vice Admiral Tim Barrett, shares his insights into continuous ship-building, the nation's industrial base and the relationship between the Navy and the nation generally.

Freedom of shipping lanes essential to prosperity: MD

payneAustralia's Minister for Defence, Senator Marise Payne, tells of the importance of freedom of shipping lanes to Australia's prosperity.

India’s second IFR to reflect Naval might

13-modi-IndiaInk-blog480NINETY ships, including 22 from foreign navies, are expected to take part in fleet review The International Fleet Review to be held is only the second such big time naval exercise the country has seen.

Restrictions on vessel movement between Bahrain and Iran

ON 7 January 2016 the authorities in Bahrain issued an Administrative Order stating that due to the recent severance of diplomatic relations between the...

In tests, Navy ship struggles against small boats like those used by Iran

THE Navy's littoral combat ship struggled in drills at sea to fend off a swarm of small attacking vessels similar to the Iranian boats...

World Naval Developments – January 2016

Democratic People's Republic of Korea - vector mapBy Norman Friedman* EARLY in January North Korea celebrated Kim Jong-Un’s birthday by conducting its fourth nuclear test – this one, it said, of a hydrogen bomb. That got considerable attention. Unlike atomic bombs, hydrogen bombs can have nearly unlimited explosive power – the largest was a Soviet 50-megaton bomb tested in the 1960s.

Chinese Navy shop-window

Michael Nitz recently photographed three good-looking ships of the Chinese people’s Liberation Army (Navy). They are Type 054A frigate Yun Cheng, Type 071...

Genesis of maritime reconnaissance in RAAF 1938 to 1940

coyle1ABy Dr Tim Coyle examines the development of a Royal Australian Air Force (RAAF) maritime reconnaissance and embryonic strike capability to support the emerging strategic relevance and standing of the service in the latter half of the 1930 in the context of the defence of Australia.