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Western Australia and US geo-strategy

By Serge DeSilva-Ranasinghe and Mitchell Sutton WITH the recent announcements surrounding an upgraded US military presence in northern Australia, attention is once again turning towards...

Archipelagic security: future of the Seychelles Coast Guard

By Serge DeSilva-Ransinghe, Mitchell Sutton and Tim Dempsey THE Seychelles may seem like a world apart from the troubles of its region, yet this idyllic...

DSME, Lockheed Martin sign partnership deal in combat ship sector

Daewoo Shipbuilding & Marine Engineering Co. (DSME), a South Korean shipyard, said Friday that it has signed a partnership deal with Lockheed Martin to...

Learning the lessons from Jutland

jutlandAdjunct Professor James Goldrick, who commanded HMA Ships Cessnock and Sydney (twice), is to reflect on the Battle of Jutland 100 years ago in a lecture at ANU next month.

Trouble and strife beyond the Middle East

shipyardChristopher Skinner draws a connection between three naval news developments. He says the connection is that they each describe a facet of the rapidly changing geo-political situation in three areas of international crisis beyond the middle east: South China Sea and adjacent maritime areas; Korean peninsula; and Crimea.

SEA5000 CEP: critical capability considerations for the future frigates

frigatesSam Goldsmith takes a detailed look at critical capability considerations for the future frigates

Navies are systems, not just warships

submarine systemsAlastair Cooper says navies are systems not just warships and counters the argument that submarines are going to be obsolete or that they should be nuclear-powered.

Subs deal ‘shows Australia’s defence overspend’

HMAS RankinBy Crispin Hull* WE ASKED the wrong question. We asked: should we get the French, the Germans or the Japanese to help us build new submarines? The fourth option and fifth options were not canvassed – for short-term political reasons. The fourth and fifth options were: why build any submarines at all, and if we must have some submarines why not build nuclear-powered submarines with US help.

Navy installs first drone command centre aboard aircraft carrier

A DRONE command centre has been installed aboard an aircraft carrier for the first time, signifying the US Navy's commitment to a future of...