Lessons from Red Sea surge
The short-notice surge of U.S. warships from the East Coast to take on missile and drone threats in the Eastern Mediterranean and the Red...
US CNO launches Navigation Plan 2024
On 18 September the US Navy’s 33rd CNO, Admiral Lisa Franchetti released the Chief of Naval Operations Navigation Plan for America’s Warfighting Navy 2024.
RAN officers help save US motorist
Quick thinking and swift action by Royal Australian Navy officers has helped save the life of a driver following a dramatic accident on a...
The Falklands Campaign – personal reflections
By Jeremy Larken DSO*
The canvas for this paper is the Falklands Campaign in 1982, events encompassing some 100 days. My post was Captain of...
Mines: Operation Render Safe 2024
The Australian Defence Force-led Operation Render Safe 2024 sees up to 250 personnel from Australia, Canada, Japan, New Zealand, the Republic of Korea, the...
Final report of Royal Commission into Defence & Veteran Suicide
The Royal Commissioners, Nick Kaldas APM (Chair), The Hon James Douglas KC and Dr Peggy Brown AO presented the Final Report of the Royal...
ADFA honours RADM James Goldrick
On 14 September the former Commandant of the Australian Defence Force Academy (ADFA) and ANI President, the late Rear Admiral James Goldrick was honoured...
New senior leadership of New Zealand Defence Force
On 27 August Commodore Garin Golding and Brigadier Rose King were appointed as Chiefs of the New Zealand Navy and Army respectively.
Commodore Golding was...
Red Sea experience is changing warfare education
During his warship’s recent deployment to the Middle East, a guided-missile destroyer commander fired off some five terabytes of data about his crew’s operations...
RAN officer lead MCM planner in RIMPAC 2024
An RAN Mine Warfare Clearance Diving Officer (MCDO), Lieutenant Commander Adam Zilko’s current exchange posting to the United States has seen him lead Mine...