
Conventional and remote/autonomous subsurface vessels

55 Chinese sailors die in their own trap

As many as 55 Chinese sailors are feared dead after a nuclear-powered submarine caught itself in a ‘chain and anchor’ trap in the Yellow...

3D printing of part for nuclear sub

A crewed submarine is, at its most elemental level, a machine designed to preserve a bubble of air underwater and keep the rest of...

Australia’s nuclear security questioned

While Australia and the Royal Australian Navy (RAN) have committed to providing the security of technology transfer through the AUKUS agreements, the RAN has...

Report on US Navy Virginia-class submarine program & AUKUS submarine 

On 25 September the US Congressional Research Service released a 74 page report on the US Navy’s Virginia-Class submarine program and the AUKUS submarine...

Marles addresses AUKUS slowness

Concerns raised about the AUKUS nuclear-powered submarine project moving too slowly have been addressed by Defence Minister Richard Marles at an Adelaide conference (September...

Taiwan to test its first home-built submarine

Taiwan is working on the first submarine of its own production. The diesel-electric submarine is ready for a lengthy series of tests that will...

Australia to invest $3b in US shipyards

Australia plans to make a $3 billion AUKUS investment in the US over the next five years for long-lead items and to help fund...

Submarine arrives caked in algae

Here at The War Zone, we’ve seen our fair share of naval vessels looking, how shall we say, worse for wear, the War Zone...

US senator warns against AUKUS delay

Congress is at risk of "doing Beijing's work" if it fails to pass legislation necessary to the AUKUS deal, the US Senate's foreign relations...

N Korea’s new nuclear submarine

North Korea has launched the Hero Kim Gun-ok nuclear submarine. Kim Jong Un attended the ceremony, Naval News reports. The new North Korean submarine is...