
Conventional and remote/autonomous subsurface vessels

Subs hole: Australia should stop digging

By Albert Palazzo* There is an old saying that if you find yourself in a hole, the best course of action is to stop digging....

UK n-subs to use Australia as a base

Britain’s nuclear-powered submarines are to use Australia as a base so that they can have a more “persistent” presence in the Indo-Pacific region under...

Two good submarine decisions but we need to acquire nuclears now

By Tom Lewis*   The Australian federal government has made two good decisions on our submarine future. Continuing the ridiculous contract with the French for 12...

A sustainable n-sub program for Australia

By Girgis* POLICY: Australia is to acquire nuclear powered submarines for the Royal Australian Navy. It is about time but where to from here? OPERATIONAL REQUIREMENTS:...

The difficult bit to come

By Rear Admiral Peter Briggs AO (retired)* The announcement of an Australian/United Kingdom/United States of America defence pact is a dramatic, positive step for Australia...

Wasteful incompetence

By Crispin Hull The wasteful incompetence of the Coalition Government was there to be seen this week, but you would have to look behind lots...

China caused subs deal, two experts say

Australia's nuclear-powered submarine deal with the US and UK is "full of risks" linked to the rise of China, according to Australian National University...

Sadness at submarine decision

By Nicole Forrest Green* It was with great sadness to learn of the cancellation and replacement of one of Australia’s major defence contracts this week...

UK’s new submarine is closer

Design work for the next-generation Royal Navy submarines is under way after Defence Secretary Ben Wallace announced an investment of £170m, ForcesNet reports. The funding...

Australia’s surprise security arrangement

It’s not every morning that Australians turn on the television at 7:00 AM and find themselves being addressed by Scott Morrison, Boris Johnson, and...