
Conventional and remote/autonomous subsurface vessels

Australia facing a submarine-less decade

The provision of American Virginia-class subs depends on US industrial development, military needs, politics – and possibly Trump. Australia has no agency or leverage...

Australia to put $5bn into UK sub production

Britain’s defence secretary has warned that distracted democracies risk emboldening dictators, as Australia prepares to pump almost $5 billion into the United Kingdom’s production...

US postpones attack sub program

The U.S. Navy is pushing back the start of construction on its next-generation attack submarine by nearly a decade, citing tight budgets and a...

How to find a lost submarine

By Andrew Song* How does one find an object not meant to be found? Forensic maritime investigators in 2017 stumbled across this question when searching...

Will AUKUS survive Trump?

A year ago, the AUKUS agreement was formally announced between Australian and UK Prime Ministers Anthony Albanese and Rishi Sunak and US President Joe...

USS Annapolis in Perth

USS Annapolis (SSN 760) arrived in HMAS Stirling in Perth, Western Australia Sunday. This marks the second visit by a U.S. fast-attack submarine to HMAS...

Australia must have major SSN role

By Peter Briggs* I have previously argued for Australia to take an active role in the design and procurement process for the nuclear-powered, conventionally armed...

Japan commissions third Taigei sub

The Japan Maritime Self-Defense Force (JMSDF) has commissioned the third of its Taigei-class diesel-electric attack submarines (SSK), which feature better underwater endurance than its...

The New Jersey submarines

The USS New Jersey, a World War II Iowa-class battleship and floating museum, is set for refurbishment, while the Block IV Virginia-class attack submarine...

UK submarine’s $1.08b upgrade

HMS Victorious will be modernised under a new £560 million ($A1085m) contract following an agreement with Babcock. As one of the Vanguard Class submarines,...