
Conventional and remote/autonomous subsurface vessels

IAEA wants more work on n-subs

The head of the United Nations nuclear watchdog has warned there is a lot of technical work to be done before Australia's AUKUS submarine...

Broader approach to undersea warfare

By Marcus Hellyer* The hottest topic in Australia’s defence community right now is how to develop the Royal Australian Navy’s submarine capability. The decision to...

Building overseas best n-sub option

By Marcus Hellyer and Andrew Nicholls* In our previous post, we considered the likelihood of the US providing Australia with Virginia-class submarines this decade. Doing so would...

Borrow a boat would quickly give Australia nuclear-powered subs

By Tom Lewis* (This article is written for a general, rather than expert naval, audience) The path to Australia acquiring nuclear submarines is perhaps being portrayed...

US admiral to lead AUKUS partnership

The admiral who oversees U.S. attack submarine construction has been appointed to lead the Australia-United Kingdom-United States (AUKUS) partnership that promises to develop a...

Nuclear subs this decade?

By Andrew Nicholls and Marcus Hellyer* In 2009, Kevin Rudd’s government decided to increase Australia’s submarine capability. It wrote in its defence white paper: ‘The Government will...

US plan for Australian sub training program

A bipartisan group of House lawmakers on Wednesday unveiled legislation that would help the Royal Australian Navy train its future submarine warfare officers with...

Submarine mural’s sinking feeling

Local authorities wanted to give downtown Gadzhievo a much-needed facelift, but the painting of an American attack submarine on a local house wall soon...

Dutton was seeking two Virginia-class subs

Defence was working on a plan before the election to purchase two Virginia-class nuclear-­powered submarines from the US by 2030 – at least a...

Australia settles with French Naval Group over submarines

The prime minister, Anthony Albanese, has confirmed that the Australian government has settled with Naval Group for $850 million to conclude the Attack Class submarine...