
Eisenhower ends sea trials

The second oldest carrier in the Navy wrapped sea trials after completing more than a year of repairs at Norfolk Naval Shipyard, USNI News...

Iranians flash blind US crews

An Iranian patrol boat on Monday flashed its spotlight at the bridges of two Navy ships in the Strait of Hormuz, which U.S. military...

Overview of the Type 26 frigate

As the first of class, HMS Glasgow prepares to begin the fitting out phase of construction, Navy Lookout takes an overview of the Type...

China overtaking US’s naval capacity

A global shift in naval capabilities could be in the offing, with China’s massive navy modernization ambitions threatening the dominance of the U.S. -...

US congressional report on next-generation destroyer

On 28 November the Congressional Research Service In Focus report, Navy DDG(X) Next-Generation Destroyer Program: Background and Issues for Congress was made public. The...

Overview of Hellenic Navy’s plans

Here is Naval News's overview of the Hellenic Navy’s planned procurement of naval vessels and aircraft, as well as the expected modernization and upgrade of...

RN to get five anti-sub frigates

The Royal Navy is to receive five anti-submarine warfare frigates in a £4.2 billion deal between the Ministry of Defence and warship builder BAE...

Russian oil tanker take Arctic route to China

The tanker that normally shuttles between Lukoil’s far northern oil terminal of Varandey and Murmansk this week sailed into the Yellow Sea and made...

Mobilisation hits Russian civilian fleet

Mobilisation in Russia has hit the civilian fleet, the Barents Observer reports. A huge number of sailors are unable to get to their vessels,...

Netherlands’ submarines: next step

The Dutch "Walrus-class submarine replacement program" reached a new milestone today: The Ministry of Defense (MoD) of the Netherlands submitted the request for quotation...