
Korea goes for electric destroyers

By Ko Dong-hwan* The Republic of Korea Navy is set to possess the country's first electric-powered attack ship, a key asset for the national maritime...

RN heading for uncrewed aircraft

At the First Sea Lord’s Sea Power Conference, Admiral Sir Ben Key presented his compelling vision for the future of the Royal Navy, UK...

Bigger Italian troop ships

The Italian Navy is planning new ship purchases to push its on-board accommodation for amphibious landing force staff and troops to 1,700, officials have...

What progress on naval electrification

In this Q&A with Ed Thaxton, chief technology officer and vice president of business development for Leonardo DRS Naval Power Systems, Breaking Defense discusses:...

$45bn Hunter-class blow-out

One of the nation’s biggest and most troubled defence projects – a plan to build a fleet of nine 10,000-tonne frigates in Adelaide –...

Israel’s new autonomous submarine

On 05 May 2023, Israeli Aerospace Industries (IAI) unveiled a large autonomous underwater vehicle (AUV) called BlueWhale, which is described as an unmanned submarine...

UK’s new ocean-surveillance vessel

The UK has unveiled its new Multi-Role Ocean Surveillance vessel, RFA Proteus, during a visit by senior NATO leaders to Faslane, home of the...

Sudan episode reveals Marines’ weakness

Hundreds of Americans trapped in war-torn Sudan last month needed a way out of the country, but the U.S. Marine Corps, the go-to service...

Sustaining China’s naval operations

The Chinese navy’s ability to project power into distant waters like the Indian Ocean or the Persian Gulf is constrained by its at-sea replenishment...

Uncrewed vessels and the law

By Natalie Klein* Maritime Autonomous Vehicles (MAVs) have fast become an essential component of the modern maritime security scene and may operate underwater, on the...