Call for Submarine Institute conference presentations


PRESENTATIONS for Asia-Pacific’s leading forum on submarine matters – the Submarine Institute of Australia’s (SIA) eighth biennial conference – are now being invited. National and international speakers, including political leaders, have been invited to provide speeches and other presentations at the event, which will be held in Canberra on 15-16 November 2016.

SIA Conference Committee Member Christopher Skinner said: “The theme of this year’s conference is ‘From Collins to the Future Submarine – the challenge of sustaining an effective submarine capability’.

“The conference will include invited keynote speakers, including Mr John Coles CB FRAEng, leader of the Coles Review team credited with the ultimate achievement of required availability of the Collins-class submarine fleet.

“The SIA is now inviting presentations from the professional community on topics which relate to the conference theme. This year’s conference will be held at a time when Australia is implementing its largest ever defence procurement strategy.”

For further information about the call for papers, please visit the following page on the SIA website:

Abstracts of proposed presentations are requested by close of business Friday 24 June. Nevertheless, requests for further information and for flexibility with submission dates will always be welcome.

Further information:
Hamish Arthur
MCM Strategic Communications
+61 406 510 083


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