ANI President’s report 2016

20150601adfa3443372_0751 RADM Jones, PeterSINCE my first message as President in May last year the Australian Naval Institute has made considerable progress in transitioning from an organization focussed on the publication of the Headmark journal to one that has more relevance and embracing the internet.

Last month the ANI Council approved the ANI Strategic Plan 2016-2018. This plan reflects this new era. The plan can be read here.

Since the last Annual General Meeting there have been some changes to Council composition. The Council is now comprised of:
 President – Peter Jones
 Vice President – Lee Goddard
 Treasurer – Nick Tate
 Public Officer – Sophia Hill
 Secretary – Stephanie Foulkes
 Councillors – Richard Adams, Alastair Cooper, Greg Gilbert, Brian Mansell, Ailie McCallum, Heath Robertson, Ben Robinson, Lee Robinson, Luke Searle, Nick Watson and Desmond Woods.

Last year we had notable achievements. Chief among them was the very successful annual dinner in which Dr Brendan Nelson gave an outstanding Vernon Parker Oration. At the end of the year the Goldrick Seminar was held at the Australian Defence Academy on the subject of the future Navy. This was also very well received, with a broad attendance including ADFA Officer Cadets who more than anyone have an interest in the RAN’s development. These successes were in large part due to the ongoing support from our corporate sponsors and the Council will continue to work closely with our valued sponsors to ensure the vitality of the ANI.

Less noticeably we have adjusted our financial outlays and support arrangements to ensure they are aligned to the ANI’s output. Among other changes, this resulted in the ANI no longer having an Editor given the increased online presence and cessation of the Headmark publication. After many years of excellent work Dr Tom Lewis has ceased in that position. I would like to acknowledge the outstanding contribution Tom has made to the ANI and hope he will be able to continue to do so in a different capacity in the future.

I am keenly aware that the ANI must have an engaged and growing membership and subscriber base. As on March 2016 the ANI now has 246 members and nearly 700 subscribers to our internet site. This is very encouraging and you will see in the Strategic Plan we wish to continue this growth path. Our webpage continues to develop. It is now an important ‘go-to’ site for anyone interested in Australian and regional naval and maritime developments.

In 2016 we have an exciting program of events. We are delighted that on 22 June the Hon. Kim Beazley AC will deliver the 2016 Vernon Parker Oration. Tickets for this event are on sale here. The ANI will hold an event in Sydney and details will be announced as soon as finalised. At year’s end will be the Goldrick Seminar and release of the inaugural edition of the Australian Naval Review. The ANR will be high quality peer-reviewed journal that will discuss important aspects of the RAN’s development.

In order to implement our activities the Council has established five sub-committees to direct the work. They are:
 Finance, Governance and Strategic Planning – Peter Jones (Lead)
 Australian Naval Review – Lee Goddard (Lead)
 Membership, Communications and Prizes – Nick Watson (Lead)
 Website and Social Media – Alastair Cooper (Lead)
 Events – Peter Jones (Lead)
We will be seeking assistance in these sub-committees from the broader ANI membership. Any expressions of interest please send an email to

I would value any feedback for members and I thank you for your support of the ANI in its 41st year.
Vice Admiral Peter Jones (Retired)

March 2016