The Occasional Paper series embodies ANI’s commitment to engaging in public discussion and, where possible, the development of public policy.
This series was created in order to provide a means of engaging the ANI audience with research and writing that relates to specialist naval, maritime and related topics that are not addressed in standard scholarly publications. Three broad categories of work are ‘published’ in the Series Position Papers, Working Papers and Occasional Papers – each reflecting the length and purpose of the manuscript.
Position Papers are 2,000-4000 words in length and seek to shape debate, direct discussion, or outline a position on some aspect of policy. The emphasis is on highly topical work embodying the opinion and judgements of the contributor on matters of contemporary concern.
Working Papers are 3,000- 5,000 words and are intended to be ‘work-in-progress’. Papers in this category are offered for comment from other scholars and practitioners working in the relevant area. These papers are ‘first drafts’ of more substantial pieces of writing and present interim conclusions.
Occasional Papers typically exceed 5,000 words and constitute completed work. Papers in this category include high quality descriptive and analytical work that might be too specialised or too topical for a scholarly journal. There is no upper word limit for papers in this category.
These papers are available in HTML and print-ready PDF formats and include an author note, illustrative material and references for further reading. The series is promoted through the ANI’s website, social media presence, and events.
Submission guidelines
Researchers interested in having their work appear in the series are encouraged to contact the ANI through in the first instance. Prospective contributors should advise as to whether their submissions are to be assessed as Position, Working or Occasional Papers.
Guidelines regarding style and format are available on request.