ANI Commodore Sam Bateman Book Prize


Inaugurated in 2021, the Commodore Sam Bateman Book Prize is awarded annually by the ANI to recognise excellence in books making a major contribution to the study and understanding of naval and maritime matters. The Award is sponsored by the National Shipbuilding College. Entry details are below.

The Award is named after Commodore Sam Bateman AM RAN (1938-2020), a former ANI Councillor and strategic thinker in recognition of his efforts to raise greater awareness of naval and/or maritime matters and progressing the understanding and value of navies in society.


Entries are to be in the English language and will

  • Raise the understanding of naval and/or maritime affairs, and
  • Be of high literary quality and style.


The detailed Rules and Guidelines for the award and administration of Commodore Sam Bateman Book Prize can be found on the ANI website.


The Judging Panel

Entries will be reviewed by a panel of judges are drawn from the ANI Council, academia and former naval officers.


How to Enter

Simply submit a copy of the book and if possible an e-version of the book for review. Eligible books for:


  • 2021 contenders are all books received from 1 January to 1 November 2021.
  • 2022 contenders are all books received from 2 November 2021 to 1 November 2022.


For further information or to submit a book first email for despatch details.


Award of the Prize

The winner of the ANI Commodore Sam Bateman Book Prize shall be announced on the second Wednesday of each December. It will be awarded in a ceremony in Canberra in March the following the year where the author will be asked to deliver the Commodore Sam Bateman Book Prize Lecture.


The Prize consists of a Trophy, framed certificate and one year ANI membership.



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