Friedman on North Korean weapons program


ANI Sponsored Lecture : Dr Norman Friedman on the North Korean Nuclear Weapons Program

The ANI is proud to sponsor, along with the RAN Seapower Centre and the Australian Centre for the Study of Armed Conflict and Society, a lecture by world-renowned naval analyst Dr Norman Friedman in Canberra on Wednesday 11 October. Dr Friedman will offer his expert assessment of the strategic calculus driving the North Korean regime’s nuclear weapons program. He will also examine the role of Chinese and Russian policy towards the Korean Peninsula, as well as canvassing policy options for the United States and its allies. The lecture will be followed by a Q&A session.

The free lecture will be held at the Ngunnawal R1 Theatrette from 0930-1100. Bookings are not necessary but seats will be offered on a first come basis. The theatrette will be open from 0900.


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