Call for nominations for McNeil Prize


In 2016, the Australian Naval Institute (ANI) created an award to honour an individual or individuals from Australian industry who have made an outstanding contribution to the capabilities of the Royal Australian Navy. This award was named the “McNeil Prize” in honour of RADM Percival McNeil CB RAN.

The winner of the inaugural Prize in 2016 was Mr Ian Croser AM, the co-founder of CEA Technologies. The citation for Mr Croser read: “Mr Croser, through his remarkable vision, perseverance, determination and a dogged desire for excellence had successfully developed unique radar and communications systems from the ground up. As a consequence the RAN, the ADF and the nation are now reaping significant benefits from his prodigious engineering talent and technical leadership”.

The criteria for the prize are:
• the nominee is an individual or individuals from Australian industry;
• the nominee has made a significant contribution to the capabilities of the RAN.

The Prize is awarded annually and presented at the ANI’s Vernon Parker Oration and Annual Dinner which will be held in 2017 on 20 June in Canberra.

Nominations are to be in the form of a submission of no more than 500 words forwarded to the ANI Business Manager, Sue Hart at
For further information contact the ANI Secretariat on 02 6290 1505.

The closing date for nominations for the 2017 Mc Neil Prize is 4 June 2017.

Download the nomination form by clicking here.


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