Two events. Indonesia and the Navy and nation


USI event:
Who: Bill Farmer AO, Ambassador to Indonesia 2005-2010.
What: Australia and Indonesia: Moving on from boats, bombs, beef, bugging and Bali.
Where: Spender Theatre, ADC Weston Creek
When: Thu 2 Jun, 1800 to 1900
ADC Bar open from 1700 for networking.
Event is free but registration is required, either on the RUSI-A website or by email to

Annual Order of Australia Association ACT ADF Oration is coming up:
Who: VADM Tim Barrett, CN
What: The Navy and the Nation: the role of Navy in nation building
Where: R1 Theatrette, Russell
When: Thu 9 Jun, 1730 to 1900
Light refreshments will be served afterwards courtesy of the ADF
Event is free but registration is required. I am the POC – either or 0467 719 020.


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