Kim Beazley to be Parker orator in 2016


beazleyFormer Defence Minister, Opposition Leader and retiring Australian Ambassador to the US, Kim Beazley, is to be the Australian Naval Institute’s 2016 Vernon Parker Orator.

The oration and dinner will be in the evening of 22 June at the Realm Hotel in Canberra.

Mr Beazley will bring his considerable experience and knowledge to a tradition of the oration’s contribution to naval matters.

Mr Beazley, who was Defence Minister in the Hawke and Keating Governments, and Deputy Prime Minister from 1995 to 1996, has earned widespread respect across the political spectrum for his contribution to Australian defence policy and its implementation at both practical and strategic levels. His appointment as Ambassador to the US was renewed by the incoming Coalition Government.

He is regarded as one of major driving forces behind modern RAN.

Since leaving politics, his term as Ambassador to the US will mean that he will bring enormous insight into the role of the US alliance in Australia’s defence thinking as well as broader international security concerns.

Before entering politics, Mr Beazley, a Rhodes Scholar, lectured in politics at Murdoch University. His uncle, the Reverend Syd Beazley, was one of the more than 1,000 prisoners of war who died in the sinking of the SS Montevideo Maru in July 1942.

Naval personnel, academics and public-policy makers will find this event a must in 2016.

Tickets to this event will be on sale from February.


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