The politics of alliance: managing the US relationship

20091113ran852779501.JPG Photo By: LEUT Kelli Lunt Date Taken: 20091113   Caption: USS NIMITZ Operations E7 Maritza Chavez (left) explains operations on the USS NIMITZ flight deck to ABET Sam Whitfield from HMAS TOOWOOMBA during a personnel exchange programme. Personnel from both ships spent a day with their coalition counterparts swapping stories and learning from their hosts.   Mid Captions:  HMAS TOOWOOMBA is currently serving at sea on operations in the Middle East as part of Australia's military contribution to coalition efforts against international terrorism, countering piracy in the Gulf of Aden, and maritime security.
USS NIMITZ Operations E7 Maritza Chavez (left) explains operations on the USS NIMITZ flight deck to ABET Sam Whitfield from HMAS TOOWOOMBA during a personnel exchange program. Personnel from both ships spent a day with their coalition counterparts swapping stories and learning from their hosts. Photo By: LEUT Kelli Lunt.
By Mike Fogarty

“From the US perspective, it is difficult to
discern any substantive issues (that) should raise national concern.
Canberra’s acknowledgement of the need to manage
carefully its relations with Washington is a realistic view.
In an era of threat-ambiguity in the Far East (the) onus
will be on Canberra to ensure that the vitality
of bilateral relations does not atrophy through mutual benign neglect.”

THIS article analyses the politics of an alliance, between Australia and America. That is, the dynamics associated with managing the defence and security components of our overall geo-strategic relationship with the United States. This study must be approached in complementary terms as the alliance can not be subjected to any arbitrary divination between defence policy and foreign policy.

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