Philippines armed forces chief remarks on West Philippines Sea


On 23 July the Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP) Chief, General Romeo Brawner said “The AFP will continue to uphold our mission, ensuring that our sovereignty and territorial integrity are safeguarded and that we remain vigilant in our commitment to national defence. We will not yield and waver and will face open and covert threats to our national security with the courage of a true Filipino patriot.” This follows President Ferdinand Marcos Jr.’s tough stance on asserting Manila’s rights over the West Philippine Sea (WPS) in his State of the Nation Address on Monday.

General Brawner said the AFP also fully support the President’s strategy of a fair and pacifist approach that emphasizes rules-based international order and efforts toward de-escalation. “We believe in the importance of maintaining peace and stability through diplomatic means and constructive dialogue,” he added. General Brawner said the AFP stands behind Marcos’ vision of building strong relationships with like-minded nations to promote mutual security and cooperation.

General Brawner also thanked the President’s unwavering support for AFP modernisation efforts and the push towards self-reliance, which are essential for strengthening the country’s defence capabilities. “As we shift our focus towards external defence, we are thankful for the President’s acknowledgment of our accomplishments in addressing internal security threats. We fully commit to the whole-of-nation approach and the fulfillment of our government’s obligations and agreements aimed at ending decades of strife and ushering just and lasting peace in the country,” General Brawner said.

Meanwhile, Philippine Navy (PN) spokesperson for the WPS Rear Admiral Roy Vincent Trinidad said the support of the Commander-in-Chief for their efforts in the WPS will further strengthen their resolve to respond to the call of duty. “Our men and women especially those in our occupied features are thankful their sacrifices are recognised. Your Navy will not yield, nor will we waiver in ensuring the integrity of our territory,” he added.

It was also reported by the official Philippine News Agency that the number of Chinese ships in WPS down to 80 vessels. This is greatly lower than the 105 assorted vessels monitored from 9-15 July. These can be broken down into nine China Coast Guard Vessels (CCGVs), two from the People’s Liberation Army Navy (PLA-N) and 69 from the Chinese Maritime Militia Vessels (CMMVs). The PN said these ships were located in the following features:

  • Bajo de Masinloc, two CCGV and seven CMMVs;
  • Ayungin Shoal, four CCGVs, two PLAN, and 14 CMMVs;
  • Pagasa Island, one CCGV and 10 CMMVs;
  • Kota Island, two CMMVs;
  • Lawak Island, one CMMV;
  • Panata, one CMMV; and
  • Sabina Shoal, one CCGV and six CMMVs.

Source: PNA


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