Singapore and Indonesia conduct MCM Exercise


The Republic of Singapore Navy (RSN) and the Indonesian Navy (TNI AL) conducted the third edition of the Joint MINEX PANDU 2024 from 14 to 19 May 2024. Held in Batam and the waters off Bintan, the bilateral mine-countermeasure (MCM) and clearance diving exercise strengthened the two navies’ interoperability to counter underwater threats together.

This year’s exercise saw the participation of more than 230 personnel from the RSN and the TNI AL. The RSN participated with two Bedok-class Mine Countermeasure Vessels (MCMVs), RSS Bedok and RSS Punggol, and personnel from the Naval Diving Unit (NDU), while the TNI AL participated with two Pulau Fani-class MCMVs, KRI Pulau Fani and KRI Pulau Fanildo, and the diving unit.

The exercise comprised professional exchanges on mine-hunting, clearance diving, and ship-boarding, as well as coordinated at-sea MCM operations against simulated mine threats, diving operations, and live gunnery firing.

Source: RSN


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