ANI Webinar 18 Mar: Surface Fleet Review


Monday, 18 March 2024

By Zoom, commencing at 12.00pm (AEDT)

(QLD11:00am; 11:30am SA; 9:00am WA)

Presenters: VADM Peter Jones AO DSC RAN (Rtd), Sarah Pavillard, Dr Richard Dunley

Moderator: Jennifer Parker

The Australian Government has just announced its most significant force expansion since WWII. One month on from the announcement the ANI is hosting this webinar at which experts from Industry, capability acquisition, and maritime strategy will unpack the decision, what it means for Australia and the opportunities and challenges associated with such a momentous decision.

VADM Peter Jones joined the Royal Australian Navy in 1974. Peter was promoted to the rank of vice admiral and appointed to the position of Chief Capability Development Group in late November 2011, and was advanced to an Officer of the Order of Australia in the 2012 Queen’s Birthday Honours list. Peter is an Adjunct Professor in the Naval Studies Group at the University of New South Wales (Canberra campus) and was President of the Australian Naval Institute from 2015-2023.

Sarah Pavillard has 25 years of Defence experience working both as a naval officer and as a consultant. She is ADROITA founder and CEO. Sarah was instrumental in developing, integrating and supporting some of the most complex materials in service today, such as the $10B Air Warfare Destroyer capability. In 2021, she was recognised as ‘Consultant of the Year’ at the Defence Industry Awards for her work on the Destroyer program.

Dr Richard Dunley is a Senior Lecturer at UNSW Canberra at the Australian Defence Force Academy. His research and teaching addresses issues across naval history and maritime strategy. A particular focus has been on interactions of naval technology and maritime strategy, in both historical and contemporary contexts.

Jennifer Parker is an Expert Associate at the National Security College, Australian National University and an Adjunct Fellow in naval studies at the University of New South Wales Canberra. Jennifer hosts and produces the Australian Naval Institute’s Saltwater Strategists podcast focused on Indo-Pacific maritime affairs. Jennifer has served for more than 20 years with the Royal Australian Navy (RAN). During her time in the RAN Jennifer specialised as a Principal Warfare Officer, including undertaking deep specialist training with the Royal Navy in Anti-Submarine Warfare Officer.

The webinar is open to all members of the ANI and to any interested members of the public. Admission is free, but registration is required. Please book via the TryBooking link:

Inquiries can be directed to the ANI Secretariat on 02 6290 1505 or at


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